30 Things Millennials Need To Stop Wasting Their Hard-Earned Money On
Some of us have made personal vows, time and time again, to shop less, save more and just be more fiscally responsible.
We're three months in to a new year, and how many of you have stuck to said plans since acquiring a clean slate?
I haven’t, either.
When I started thinking about how to have better control over my spending and dwindling wallet, I realized I should not only analyze every penny that comes in, but also every penny that goes out.
Only upon enforcing this new tactic did I realize what a bunch of crap I was spending money on.
So many of my friends and colleagues have the same careless spending habits as myself. We may not like to admit it, but being young and reckless in our 20s sure does cost a fortune.
Below are 30 things on which the majority of us waste money. If we cut out one habit a week, or five a month, imagine the money we could save.
While you might not be able to completely cut the list down (unforeseeable circumstances happen -- you need the manicure), an attempt to cut some of these from your expenses should have a nice positive effect on your income.
1. Cigarettes
We all know smoking is an unhealthy habit, and wasting money on cancer sticks is just one of the many reasons to quit.
2. Chop’t, or lunch in general
A chopped salad for $12? A trip down the produce aisle can get you chopped salads for almost a week for the same amount of money.
3. Gym memberships we don't actually use
4. Gym memberships that cost an arm and a leg
If you're going to the gym, do you need to spend $20 to $30 a week for it? Some gyms cost that for a whole month.
5. Cheap clothes
That sweater on sale may have only cost you $7, but it’s not going to last you seven washes. There are plenty of good stores that offer better quality clothes for an affordable price.
No need to blow your whole paycheck in Forever 21.
6. Impulse shopping (#YouHadMeAt50PercentOff)
But, did you need it? Probably not. And neither did your wallet.
7. Online shipping (unless it’s free)
8. Fancy dinners at expensive restaurants
I know, my taste buds are a little sad, too.
9. Ordering too many appetizers
They could become a meal themselves! By the time you get to your entrée, you’re stuffed and you don’t enjoy it because you’re too full.
You’re wasting your money on food you can’t even taste.
10. Expensive hair products
11. Superfoods and trendy diet products
Wheat grass powder, goji berries, gluten-free everything... The list of “superfoods” and trendy health products in my pantry goes on and on.
12. Parking tickets
13. Cable TV
14. Gel manicures
They’re also pretty damaging to your nails. If you can do without them, you’ll save around $60 a month.
15. Binge drinking
When you’re drunk and you’re out, you forget about being “smart” with your money.
Round of shots for my friends? Throw in an extra for the bartender? Sure!
It’s all good until you wake up the next day and check your account. Drunk-me sure is a baller.
16. Detox teas
These cost way too much for just some herbal tea leaves.
17. ATM fees
18. Credit card interest
19. Chapstick
We don’t need a new one every time we go to CVS.
20. Starbucks
21. Coffee in general
Buying coffee from any coffee shop is an expensive habit, even if it’s not Starbucks. More so because you can totally make coffee at home for next to nothing.
22. Processed food
If you’re buying lots of pre-packaged, pre-made or processed food when you’re food shopping, you’re wasting your dollars. Fresh produce from a Farmer’s Market or Produce Stands doesn’t cost nearly as much.
23. Soda
24. Smoothies
If you have a blender, you can definitely make that smoothie at home and save the $7.
25. Juice cleanses
26. Paying for apps or in-app purchases
So many of them are free -- why pay?
27. Unused gift cards
This is basically like free money, but instead of using them, we’re paying for the things with our real money.
28. Gambling
29. Deal sites
How many times did you cave for the Groupon (78 percent off!), and then not use it in time?
30. Not using Ebates to shop online
They pay you for online transactions -- it’s that simple.