How To Manifest Career Success In Just Two Steps
If you type “how to find career success” into Google, you’ll be met with seemingly limitless articles and experts advising on the topic; to say you could find yourself going down a rabbit hole is an understatement. But what if the secret to career success and happiness boiled down to just two simple steps that anyone — yes, anyone — could accomplish, provided they had the right mindset? Amidst the rote advice about negotiating a higher salary, finding a “dream job,” working to be a better team player, and maintaining a work-life balance, there are two core tenets to follow if you want to build lasting career success to carry with you for as long as you’ve got something in your mind to work toward.
Act With The Assumption That The Job You Want Is Already Yours
Consider this the manifestation expert’s take on “fake it ‘til you make it.” Instead of entering the job search or interview process with the mindset that you have to convince your prospective employer of your worth, go into it with the mentality that your experience speaks for itself.
“One of the best pieces of advice that I always give is to always act with the assumption that the dream business, job promotion or job you want is already yours,” says manifestation expert and career coach Kathleen Cameron. This idea is especially relevant to those who are seeking to level up in their career and jump to a higher role at a different company.
“Go into your interview with the absolute belief, knowing and expectation that the job is yours — if you’re spending three days rehearsing and practicing potential questions so you say the right things, you may have an underlying assumption that you’re not the perfect candidate.”
Of course, that isn’t to say that you shouldn’t prepare at all. According to the countless professional resources available online, there are still some best practices to prepare for an interview, including learning the ins and outs of the company you’re applying to, and to understand how to tell a compelling story about your professional history without just reciting from your resume. However, as Cameron says, all of that prep work should come with a healthy dose of confidence — it’s less about listing reasons an employer should hire you over someone else, and more about confidently demonstrating that you already know you’re the best person for the job. Above all, Cameron says? Don’t stress.
“Relax, take it easy, and remember that the most important thing is to be yourself; the version of yourself that’s the most powerful, and the one with the belief that the job is already yours. If you go in there with that confidence, they’ll believe you’re the right person for the job — because you believed it first.”
Remember That Your Career Journey Is Never Actually Over
Many of us are conditioned to believe that career paths have to be linear: You get your first job, level up a handful of times, hit your stride for a decade or two, and retire. Today, career journeys are far more complex and winding — but winding roads tend to be the ones with the most impact. Cameron says that the willingness to grow, evolve, and stay open-minded in your career journey is what will help you manifest true success. In fact, she says, you can apply the principles of manifestation when thinking about what steps you want to take in your career.
“Humans are meant to continue to expand,” Cameron says. “We have the capability to continue to evolve and adapt and to become a higher-level version of ourselves. It’s growth and it’s a part of human nature. It’s what differentiates us from any other species — our ability to advance and elevate ourselves.”
This wisdom is particularly relevant to those experiencing a crossroads in their careers, whether it be to a recent layoff, major move, or desire for a total career change. All of these experiences can feel like the “end” of something you spent years building, and even feel like a reason to shut down completely. In truth, those moments are an opportunity for a new beginning, as well as a new mindset.
“When you stop expanding, you start deteriorating,” Cameron says. “That’s when you enter a place of suffering, because in your own mind, there isn’t anything better out there. That’s where displeasure, unhappiness, and lack of fulfillment lie.”
Of course, when you hit a major roadblock in your career, it’s completely natural to take time to reflect and grieve. However, stopping there won’t get you any closer to where you deserve to be. As difficult as it is, Cameron says that channeling and abundance mindset (even in times of lack) is crucial.
“Continue to grow, and continue to evolve,” she says. “There is a higher level of joy, higher level of gratitude, peace of mind, and abundance available to you. It matters, because then you get to experience life in the way that you choose…and know that anything you want is available.”