
The Effects Of Fat Shaming: Why Hatred Shouldn't Be Glorified

by Moriah Boone

Nicole Arbour, a 30-year-old Canadian woman, is in hot water as a result of a video she posted.

In this video, she advocates fat-shaming. Her videos have been on and off YouTube in light of the recent controversy.

To clarify, this is not an article solely dedicated to the video, but rather, a closer look at the arguments for "being real."

Firstly, let's look at the first video that encouraged these hateful comments.

"Dear Instagram Models," a video posted by Arbour in early August, targeted women who post scantily clad photos on social media.

Comments made by Arbour on the subject, includes her referring to women as "hoes," "bitches," "Facebook whores" and "Insta-c*nts."

In it, not only does she continue to insult her fellow females, but she also perpetuates the harmful stereotype that women are defined by their looks. She even mentions women have an "expiry date."

She then ended the video with a flimsy disclaimer, saying, while she encourages being a sexy, fiery woman, women ought "be something else, too."

She managed to do all this while wearing (wait for it...) nothing but a skimpy corset.

After the video was posted, Arbour's viewers skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands, but the comments section has since been disabled.

The next video was titled, "Why Girls Are Crazy." (I know, barf.)

This particular video's focus was on women being inherently insane.

As if men don't perpetuate the damaging stereotype enough, Arbour goes on to say, "Men have been describing women as crazy for millenniums, and they're f*cking right.

But the joke's on you, cause you still wanna f*ck us!"

Again, this implies a woman's worth is completely dependent on her f*ckability, and simultaneously makes men out to be emotionless brutes whose only goal is to have sex with as many women as possible.

This notion is further reinforced when she simulates a dialogue between a man and a woman.

"I just wish you were more sensitive to my feelings," the woman says. What is the man's response?

"But I'm not. I have a d*ck."

Ironically enough, Arbour cites sexism as the reason people are so up in arms about her videos.

"The reason there's an issue is because I don't 'look' like a traditional comedian," she tweeted on Tuesday. "If I were a guy, people would have moved on."

The final video was doomed from the start, with the introduction, "Dear Fat People."

"What are you going to do, fat people? You gonna chase me...really?"

She then goes on to claim fat-shaming isn't actually a thing, and people should, in fact, be shamed for their habits until "they f*cking stop."

Arbour even managed to insult everyone who is "plus-size" (which by industry standards is size eight and up), stating, "They forgot to tell you that plus-size stands for plus heart disease, plus knee problems, plus diabetes!"

Once again, cue the flimsy disclaimer, with Arbour stating, "I will actually love you no matter what."

The harsh reality is Nicole Arbour is really nothing more than a product of the society in which she lives.

It's a society that reinforces the belief women are of less worth if they are overweight or not conventionally attractive.

It's a society that perpetuates the idea that a woman's worth decreases as her age increases, and embracing her sexuality is wrong.

This society informs men that expressing emotions makes them weak, and their number of sexual conquests, how much money they have in the bank and even their height defines them.

We've somehow turned being respectful into something negative, and being insensitive and condescending has become something to be glorified.

When it comes down to it, there's really no room in this world for unwarranted hatred.