How To Finally Go Shampoo-Free Forever And Deal With The In-Between Stage
Chances are, you've heard of the no-poo movement. It's basically the push to stop using shampoo to clean your hair. Many advocates go one step further and suggest not using any products whatsoever.
The benefits include softer, healthier hair, a decrease in the amount of chemicals you wash down the drain and a move toward natural ingredients over man-made chemicals that strip your hair of its natural oils.
However, many who attempt to switch to a no-shampoo lifestyle end up abandoning it after a few weeks.
But there are many ways to help you through the uncomfortable transition period that will help you stick with no-poo for the long-term.
Here are five tips for going shampoo-free forever.
1. Use baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
Cutting out shampoo doesn't mean not cleaning your hair.
Shampoo is considered bad because of artificial colorants and chemicals. Shampoo can be stronger than anything your hair needs for maintenance. So instead, use a combination of baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
To make your own mixture, fill a bottle — half with baking soda, half with water — and another with half apple cider vinegar and half water. Keep these in your bathroom and shake the mix before each use.
The combination will keep your hair clean without stripping it dry.
2. Use cornstarch as dry shampoo.
Many who switch off shampoo are typically referring to liquid shampoo. Dry shampoo can be an excellent quick solution for greasy buildup in between washes.
However, be careful not to overdo it with the dry shampoo method, as product buildup will become tangible over a few uses.
Brush through your hair after applying to distribute the powder through your roots and blend it into your hair, and if you have a darker hair color, note that the white powder can be visible if you over-apply.
Be sure to shake your hair out and apply it from underneath (lean over and flip your hair up, then apply from the back of your neck into your roots).
3. Prioritize your scalp.
Another crucial aspect is to remember your scalp is the source of oils, which means it is where the concentration of grease will be; the rest of your hair remains relatively clean.
When taking care of your hair, most of your attention should be on your scalp.
Make sure to massage your scalp when you shower and use your baking soda and vinegar mixes to promote blood flow and encourage hair growth.
Brush out your hair in between washes to encourage oils to move down from your roots to your tips.
4. Don't sweat about sweat.
When you sweat, whether from working out or simply sitting in the sun, it certainly does go into your hair, but like most oils and grease, the sweat will almost entirely remain in the roots of your hair.
A quick rinse in the shower with water and a blow-dry afterward can leave your hair feeling fresh — and so can a good brushing.
You should also clean your brush after brushing your hair, particularly if you know you hair was greasy or sweaty. This way, you'll avoid accidentally spreading oils later.
5. Don't be afraid to use a hat, scarf or up-do.
One of the biggest worries people have is how they can go out in public during the transition period.
Don't worry about it too much: a hat or scarf will hide the grease, which will be concentrated on your scalp, and a water rinse should take care of any odor.
In addition, an up-do hairstyle will hide most visible signs of grease to give you some extra cover and wear in between hair washes. You can tuck your hair into a beanie in the colder months as well.
Cutting out shampoo will save you some time in the shower and a few dollars in the hair care aisle, but it also cuts out artificial chemicals and strong detergents you don't need running down your drain.
Consider making the switch.
If you can power through the transition, you might be a lifelong convert.
Citations: The Hairpin, Hairfinity, Just Primal Things, No Poo Method, Elle, Natural Society