
6 Things You Definitely Took For Granted When You Were A Kid

by Unwritten

No one really appreciates being a kid until they grow up. Childhood, and the freedom that comes with it, gets taken for granted by the majority of kids out there, and, unfortunately, I was definitely no exception.

I hated being treated like a child (even when I was one) and dreamed of finally becoming an adult, making my own decisions and choices.

However, as my dreams become more grounded and my plans for the future come down to earth, I can't help but think back to when I was little.

Childhood is a magical time I wish I could revisit, at least for these six reasons.

Having Your Lunch Packed For You

I think it's been more than a decade since someone packed me a lunch. I have so much respect for my mom who had to wake up almost two hours before she had to leave for work in order to make breakfast and pack a lunch for me and my little sister.

I don't know how she did it! Now I regret taking her for granted, and I definitely owe her a big thank you for everything she has ever done for me.

Getting Up In The Morning And Not Feeling Tired

I don't know how kids do it. My little sister is up at 7:30 in the morning, and she looks like she had a great rest the night before.

I consider it torture to wake up earlier than 9 am every single day. I miss the time when I was able to wake up and not need my daily fix of coffee in order to be a functioning human being.

Genuinely Believing All Your Dreams Would Come True

It was great to daydream and wonder how life would turn out once I grew up. However, now that I'm older, the question of what I am going to do with my life is still unanswered.

This scares the crap out of me. I wish I could go back to a simpler time when I didn't have to worry about how I would manage to pay my bills next month.

How Easy It Was To Make Friends

It's so much easier making friends when you are little.

I used to literally go up to everyone on the playground. It didn't matter if they were older or younger, I was a social butterfly, and I needed my daily dose of human interaction.

Now people would probably think I was a weirdo if I randomly went up to them on the street and asked to be friends.

When Reading Was Only For Pleasure

Once you start university, there is no reading for pleasure because every course requires a gazillion pages of reading per week.

Then after graduation, it is impossible to catch up on readings because work literally takes up one-third of the whole day.

Twenty-four hours is definitely too little for me now. I miss being able to pick up a chapter book and read just to enjoy the story.

Not Having To Worry About Making Plans On Friday Nights

I love the fact that as a child, you don't have to worry about making plans or organizing events. Everything is decided for you.

I didn't have to worry about what family gathering I would go to and what my weekend would look like. Now I have to reach out to my friends a couple of weeks beforehand to have a simple cup of coffee because everyone is crazy busy.

I definitely miss being a kid. I think we all have a period when we long for that time when things were just simple.

Adulting is hard work, and it would be nice to escape once in a while. I will make sure that when I have kids, they will appreciate their childhood and get the most out of it.

Originally written by Lizzie Poliakova on Unwritten.