We Need More Kindness In The World
How many times have you found yourself utterly astounded by the lack of civility of the people around you? Not to be misunderstood, there is undoubtedly an abundance of respectful individuals that make the world go round. The problem is, though, that the population of inconsiderate people is far too overwhelming, and they're really disturbing the day-to-day peace.
It's the rude demeanor of so many that makes random acts of kindness surprising. Someone holds a door for you, lets you go ahead of them in line, blesses you for sneezing, picks up something you dropped, and your beliefs that there are kind people in the world, hiding behind the overhanging rudeness, are finally confirmed. Some of us are so touched by these people that we choose to pay it forward with our own random acts of kindness, and the cycle hopefully continues.
Collectively, however, one might generalize our population as selfish. Everyone is looking out for themselves and could care less about the well being of those around them. While looking out for our own best self-interest is wise, it is equally important to consider the needs of others. Have you ever heard the saying, "Put yourself in their shoes"?
This serves as a reminder that it's best to consider the feelings of others in any particular situation in an effort to be more empathetic. You never know what someone else could be going through at any point in time. Just as you struggle through hardships, everyone else in the world experiences similar tribulations. Your warm smile and simple greeting could be enough to drastically improve someone's day.
The problem with our society is that everyone is guilty of hypocrisy. When in any given situation, the majority of people fail to consider the way that they would feel if they were in that situation themselves, and thus, act in their own self-interest. Failing to recognize how they might react if they were in the position of another, people act upon what's best for themselves above all. People don't stop to think how their words might stick with someone forever, or how one small inconsiderate decision might ruin their entire day.
People are insensitive, which contributes to the overwhelming presence of incivility. Particularly, with the prevalence of technology and social media, some individuals have no reservations about being less polite virtually than face-to-face. Rudeness on social media and other forms of technology are becoming a huge issue among our society.
Bullying of younger generations through social media outlets is leading to the early deaths of far too many youths that fall victim to the cruelty of their peers. Hateful acts towards people of particular sexual orientations, people of certain race, or people of differing socioeconomic statuses are increasing in prevalence, specifically on social media sites. It's time to reinvent our culture, rid ourselves of hate, and stop wasting energy on making others feel insignificant and unworthy.
What makes people feel so entitled to spread their hateful opinions onto those who could care less what they believe to be true? Living a satisfactory life does not require condemnation of others. Everyone on this planet deserves a peaceful and happy life, no matter their race, sexual orientation, gender, disability or any other factor.
What happened to our society to turn it into such a rude, cruel place? Have we experienced so much hardship as a nation that we have hardened up and turned cold to one another? Where is the thoughtfulness and warmth? Loosen up a little bit. Open your hearts to one another. We need each other. We need humility and support.
Let's lose the offensive, inconsiderate nature and go out of our way to be kind, instead. Forget classifications and rankings. Every individual is human and wishes to be treated with civility as much as they next. Make the world a better place, and pay kindness forward.