
How To Develop Your Passions And To Live Life Spontaneously

by Jose Llorens

It is needless to say that every expert was once a beginner. Being an expert entails more than the dedication of long hours and countless sleepless nights in order to master a craft. Sure, anyone can become an expert at something, but the passionate ones always seem to excel amongst everyone else.

Not everyone has to live like an expert to be one. Ever had that feeling that everything seems to be going your way, and you never want it to end? Well it doesn't have to.

The vast majority of us spend our time trying to come up with ideas for our futures that assure security, yet it appears that this doesn’t always seem to be a reliable plan. Why? Because thinking about something will never be the same as trying it. You don’t have to find what you want to do. It’ll find you.

There’s not an esoteric strategy to finding what your passion is. If you have the opportunity to do something you want to do, go ahead and do it. Keep trying new things, and never settle for anything less than what you’re passionate for. It’ll keep that fire inside of you burning.

If you want to be an expert at life, then start living like a virgin. There is nothing more exhilarating than trying something for the first time as many of you can recall. You have no idea what you’re getting into, and you’ll never know the outcome.

New experiences lead to new opportunities. Live like you’ll die tomorrow, there’s no reason not to. That sense of adventure that you get from doing something spontaneous will truly make you happier. Get lost once and a while; here’s how.


Meet new people. Have a conversation with a stranger, introduce yourself, and you’ll begin to notice that people want to be spoken to. People like to share and be listened to. Plus, you never know whom you are going to meet. People appreciate you more when you reach out to them and take an interest in their lives.


Traveling allows you to explore other environments and put your life into perspective. Being around different types of people, food, languages and cultures with ultimately change the way you view the world. Getting away from home will allow you to appreciate what you have, and it will also give you a better understanding of the world. We all need to travel for one reason or another.


Love everybody. We’re all just people looking for our place in the world, and everybody has their own unique story. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of his or her age, sex, occupation or gender. Smile a lot. It brings good vibes and attracts people.

Stay Curious

Never lose that sense of curiosity we are each born with. As a child you remember the curious behavior that slowly diminished as you grew older. What happened to that urge to ask questions? Oh yeah, a conditioned society happened. Who cares what everyone is doing! Live your own life.

Keep learning new things and soak up the life around you. Try to have the curiosity of a five-year-old for the rest of your life. Don’t hold back on your desires. We all have responsibilities, but make it a habit to do something new everyday. Once you begin to get comfortable, that's when you fail to embrace the spice of life. Keep moving forward.

If not now, then when?

Top Photo Courtesy: Bench And Compass