A Life Of Comfort Will Kill You Silently
The idea of being comfortable seems appealing to a vast majority of people. This is why we see so many people remain in jobs and relationships they are not happy in. Unfamiliarity scares and intimidates people, and this fear is what hinders personal growth. We need to stop letting our fear control us. We need to break away from conformity and pursue things regardless of the risks they pose.
Being comfortable is always what gets in the damn way. So many people I know are unhappy in their relationships but remain in them because of the comfort and familiarity they offer. If it weren't for that person being such a huge part in someone's day-to-day life it would be so much easier to break up with him or her. I know I have stayed in a relationship far past its expiration date because of the level of comfort it offered. It really is like having a personal safety net. Who would want to give up someone that serves as a crutch to day-to-day life?
Nothing changes if nothing changes. It's torture to make yourself comfortable in your own unhappiness
The downside of comfort in a relationship is that old things that used to spark no longer feel necessary. Things become repetitive, which results in boredom. The people who equate comfort with happiness end up taking their partner for granted. Happiness is something that needs to be constantly worked at. Sure routines may seem pleasant, but when people become bored their interests will start to dwindle. People need butterflies and as soon as those disappear the relationship is on a fast downward spiral.
Don't you. Ever. Get. Too. Comfortable.
Comfort in the work place is another detrimental situation. Too many people are complacent in their current careers regardless if they are making them happy or not. It is difficult to start over and search for a new career, but anything worth having is worth fighting for. You need to get off your ass and make your own happiness. Remaining somewhere out of pure contentment is lazy.
Don't ever get too relaxed in your office because you can get replaced. If you are not showing growth or motivation within a company, they can get bored of you and start looking to replace you. There is always someone else out there who can do the task better than you. As soon as you get too comfortable, that's when things fall apart.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Life is unpredictable and you never know what is coming next. Never ever get too comfortable; always be ready to change. When you feel complacent, then you are in repeat mode, doing things you already know and not learning anything new. When you're young, it's important to never get comfortable. You need to keep pushing yourself outside of your social comfort zone and try new things.
“There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far outweighed by the long term risks and costs of comfortable inaction”- JFK
For some reason society is under the belief that personal comfort is the goal of everyday life. This preconceived notion has made us fat, lazy and stupid. People's comfort zones need to be exploited; comfort does not breed change and isn't that what life is all about? Our goal as a society should not be to seek comfort but rather to seek success.
Too many people think the bare minimum is an acceptable way to live life, but it is the opposite. How can you ever be truly happy if you spend your life repeating the same things over and over, day in and day out? The truth is you can't, so go do something outside your comfort zone and feel the power.