
7 Signs That You're Being True To Yourself And Fulfilling Your Destiny

by Stella Yanakieva

All successful people share some habits and world views. Finding your destiny or your purpose in life is not the most easily achievable task, as it takes time to get to know yourself.

But, the more you know yourself, the more you will be certain of what you want in life and where your destiny lies. Once you start planning out the map of your goals, you will be able to work toward success by taking productive steps forward each day.

For all of you who feel like life can be better, why not make it better starting now?

Here is a little guide to check on your progress:

1. You know what you want in life

This is probably the most essential aspect of living. Potential choices surround us each day and each decision adds colors to our life’s painting.

It is important to know what you want, both in this moment and in the long run, because only then will you be able to take daily small steps toward making your goals realities and putting your ambitions into action.

No painter started creating without having an original idea in his or her mind — even if he or she eventually chose to alter the colors and change the whole painting. This is because no one becomes a painter without having the drive to paint. The key word here is “drive.”

It might take a little while to discover what exactly you truly aspire to be or do, but it is worth your time to research. You can walk without a specific destination in mind and still eventually get somewhere. However, is “anywhere” good enough for you? Or, do you want to be in the right place?

2. You are not afraid to make decisions

There are many people who can't stand being pressured to face dilemmas. In most cases, these people would rather someone else make their decisions. Unfortunately, though, too many people nowadays study the wrong course, work the wrong job or date the wrong person. They end up being unhappy and they're aware of it. But, what’s truly worrisome is that they continually make the same ill-fated choices and live lives that provide dissatisfaction.

Making decisions is not always easy. What's more, making decisions means changing, but change is inevitable, anyway. No day is the same as its predecessor and no people behave completely the same as they did long ago.

Running away from making decisions is similar to ignoring problems. But, the problems won't go away — in fact, they might become bigger issues if ignored.

You have the power to create the life you've always wanted. You simply need to stand firm behind choices you make. Come to think of it, every single choice we make has the potential to be life-changing and that is the main reason why we shouldn't be afraid to take decisions. Listen to your heart and you won't go wrong.

3. You are not afraid to make mistakes

One of the reasons people are afraid to make choices is because they're afraid they might make mistakes.

But remember, none of us are born with manuals that explain how to have a good life and none of us are perfect. Mistakes are a part of life. We live; we try; we learn. Everything is part of the experience.

Living a life limited to routines, familiarity and safety will only decrease the quality of your life. Instead, learn to embrace mistakes and consider them as the means to the future that you picture in your mind.

4. You always dream too big

You set your goals high and people call you a dreamer. You stand out from the crowd and you're brave enough to express your opinions. You have a wild imagination and you're always full of ideas. Does this sound like you? Good. Most successful people were once visionaries. What's more, most successful people owe their success to the fact that they're doing what they love.

Once you discover your inner drive, all you need to do is focus your energy on developing it. The sweetest money you can earn is what you earn from doing what you love. Discover what inspires you and continue to do it. Never underestimate your dreams or yourself.

5. You try to live as much as possible

“Dream as if you will live forever; live as if you will die today.” — James Dean

You recognize the beauty of life everywhere you go. You love traveling to new places. Good books never fail to fascinate you and reading is a necessity — or simply, another way to travel to different worlds. You are curious by nature and you like being called an adventurer. Education matters to you and you always seek to acquire new knowledge. You perceive languages as a way to get to know more people and opportunities (and you already know a few). You are not afraid to take risks.

True success belongs to people who work hard for it. We live in a highly competitive society, and if you want to be successful, you need to have skills, knowledge and qualities that surpass your competition. Neither having a diploma from Harvard nor depending on your charm alone will get you anywhere. You must build a positive attitude and live every day as if it is your last.

Planning ahead and thinking strategically are important factors for chasing your dreams, but don't forget to pay attention to the present moment. Follow your intuition, for you never know where you might find an opportunity. When you do, seize it!

6. You know that magic is in the little things

Magic is not just in fairytales and books. Magic is very real. It resides in the little things in life — especially in love.

It doesn't matter how many times it has been said: Life is indeed short and we should learn to appreciate each moment, which is no easy challenge.

Don't forget to invest time in yourself, but also don't underestimate the time you spend with friends and family, traveling and exploring and having deep conversations. These are the moments that matter — the moments that stay with us forever. It's up to you to make them truly memorable and magical.

7. You don't remember the last time you got bored

This might sound funny to you, but boredom could be a sign that you haven't devoted enough time to figuring out your identity. Have you ever found yourself in a conversation complaining about life and how you wish for things to be different? Have you felt as if something was missing even in the company of great friends? If the feeling of being “bored” and generally unhappy keeps coming back to you, you should rethink your lifestyle choices.

We all need good friends and interesting people to surround us. Unless we spend some time on our own, we won't be able to completely enjoy these friendships. A person can be in a crowded room and still feel alone. Consider the time you spend invested in yourself as the path to solitude rather than to loneliness.

It is in solitude where we find both the answers and the questions that are truly important to our existences.

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