Embrace The Hurt: How Your Least Favorite Feeling Makes You Stronger
Pain is the most beautiful, yet unappreciated manifestation in human life.
Let's say you stubbed your toe on the table leg, or you fell off the bed while fighting the urge to get up. Hurts, doesn't it?
I am nowhere near being a sadist, but I feel proud we are all made to hurt, to feel pain. It serves as a reminder that we're all human beings; it reminds us we're one in the same.
Pain is considered to be the sneaky monster under your bed, ready to attack just when you let your shoulders relax and get ready to fall into a deep sleep.
It's considered to be the silent operator, moving its way in at the most unexpected times, with the subtlest arrival.
We don't normally notice pain until it's there; until we're forced to just look at it straight in the eye and feel it.
People hurt, and no matter how hard you try to escape and find your own idea of pure bliss, you just can’t avoid pain. Maybe someone broke your heart or you broke someone else's; either way, you will feel pain.
To cope, you'll cry, cuss like a sailor, write, binge eat, or do whatever else will help you. But, what you need to realize about coping is that the pain is almost always temporary.
People need to realize that once you stop hurting, you stop being human. Pain is part of this cruel world, and it is only with pain we can say we have lived.
Pain isn’t as ugly as people perceive it to be. Sure, getting your heart broken isn’t pretty, but enduring it is the only way you’ll learn. It shakes you and wakes you up.
Pain is the only way you’ll realize what happiness is and how important it is to get there. You likely can't understand how much power pain can bring you until you personally experience it.
Do you think artists can craft masterpieces if they’re feeling indifferent? Do you think movies can create emotionally draining scenes or produce a happily-ever-after if pain didn't exist?
Pain is such a vital part of life because it holds so much power. It possesses power that allows us to feel, reflect and realize things. It enables us to dust ourselves off and get back up.
There's beauty in everything, even in pain.
No matter how sh*tty things might get and no matter how hopeless things may seem, there's always something positive to glean from feeling hurt.
People often overlook how they are when in pain; they notice how hopeless things may seem, how ugly they feel, how desperate they can get.
But, what they need to see is how strong they are for feeling everything, how brave they are for fighting and how hopeful they are for dreaming of happiness.
The most beautiful people are those who are scarred and have endured beatings from life. They have been scarred in the loveliest ways possible, where the tragedies are traceable and the hits life has thrown are evident.
People who have known defeat are the wisest; they have experienced what it's like to be let down and to have lost, but at the same time, they are the ones who have fought, who have coped and who have stood back up.
How you see pain is how you come out of it.
So, go out there; be vulnerable, get hurt and be human. Revel in the beauty of life, pain included.
The ride isn't as enjoyable without the unforeseen detours, right?