I’m certainly a dreamer -- no denying that. But who isn’t? We all have hopes and dreams that we hope to one day see through to fruition. Being a dreamer doesn’t make you special; it makes you human. This fact is incredibly important to remember.
You see, as your life progresses, the years pass and you get older, you either make those dreams a reality, or you don’t. You either turn those dreams into the life you live, or you don’t. You either make things happen for yourself, or you don’t.
I’ve been known to be a gambling man, and I'd wager that you won’t make your dreams come true. Don’t feel insulted -- it’s nothing personal. I’m just playing the odds, and the odds say the chances of you creating the life of your dreams is incredibly unlikely.
This is one of the most common deterrents from following one’s dreams -- on par with being too lazy or simply unwilling to make sacrifices, waiting for handouts and simply not believing in yourself.
You almost certainly won’t make your dreams a reality because, statistically speaking, it’s very unlikely. People will sooner find a reason not to do something, not to move, not to act then find a reason to sacrifice and work diligently.
But there is something you ought to keep in mind: There will always be those who do manage to pull it off. These people aren’t special. They aren’t more talented or necessarily more skilled. They aren’t any luckier than you either.
The only thing that differentiates them from you is their pursuit of their dreams.
They manage to pull it off because they put in the time and effort to try and pull it off. They don’t simply float through life like logs on a river -- they row against the currents, forcing their way to their goal.
While you simply dream and wish, they dream and pursue. They have a plan, and they act on it. That is all.
You should never call your dream a dream. It makes it intangible -- a floating meme that never takes form because it doesn’t need action in order to exist. It exists as a hope, and that’s enough for a dream to be a dream.
A plan, on the other hand, is only a plan if action is imminent. Don’t call your dream a dream -- call it a plan, and then get going.
There is always something you could be doing to inch closer to making your dream a reality.
You may feel like you have all the time in the world, but I promise you however long you think it will take to make your dreams a reality, you’re almost certainly undershooting it.
Don’t tell yourself you have time because every day you live a life not in pursuit of your dreams is a day lived poorly.
There is always something you could do to make progress. Even if it’s just doing some extra research or some networking, there is always a way to be productive. A huge benefit of being productive is the focus and momentum it allows for -- both necessary for success.
Your dream may not change, but the path to your dream changes with time.
A plan is only good for a month or two on average -- often even less than that, depending on what system you’re trying to manipulate. While it’s important to have a grand plan for turning your dreams into your reality, the focus should be on the next two to three steps.
Because the world and everything in it changes constantly, so does the journey ahead of you. So do the variables at play, as well as the other players playing the game.
The only way to win -- because it is a competition -- is to understand the game inside and out and know the players involved on a psychologically fundamental level.
The more you know, the better off you are. Unfortunately, knowledge doesn’t usually come easy. You’re going to have to work for it.
Dreams are meant to be realized -- it’s their purpose.
This raises the question: If our dreams never make it to realization, were they our dreams to begin with? Maybe daydreams or musings, but were they ever worthy of our passion? Our focus and dedication?
Well, if they were, then you really screwed things up. You had a chance to live a life worth living, but you CHOSE not to. You only have yourself to blame.
If, on the other hand, they weren’t your dreams -- if you never managed to find dreams worth pursuing -- then I’m sorry, but you’re still to blame.
If you don’t yet have a plan, then your plan should be to make a plan. No excuses. You have plenty of time… if you can’t figure it out, then you only have yourself to blame.
For More Of His Thoughts And Ramblings, Follow Paul Hudson On Twitter, Facebook, And Instagram.