How To Get What You Want From A Boss Who Seems To Take You For Granted
Do you hate going to work right now? This happens to many of us because we take on a job and walk in on the first day with the intention to impart our endless college wisdom on the organization.
Your chest is puffed up, and you get ready to bulldoze. The job starts off wonderfully because you make small talk with your co-workers, superiors and (gasp) even the head boss. You complete your assignments well, and you learn everyone's name.
But, you don't see the rug under your feet get pulled out, little by little. Someone else gets a promotion. The company says it will not hire anyone new for a higher position. Your inflated optimism turns to pragmatism, and then straight-up pessimism.
You think your boss has dragged you along about a future that does not exist for you within the company. Suddenly, you will be asked the annoying question that makes you fume: Your superior starts to ask you to take shifts and tasks assigned for other people.
Still optimistic about your future, you say "yes" with a smile. After the third time, you want to scream to him or her. “No, I will not do this. It is not my position to take on the work of deadweights because it really feels to me that this will go unnoticed."
Somehow, you continue to say you'll help out, though. Why do you say that, when all you really want to say is, “No, there is no way I will bend over backwards for this crazy, low-paying internship that seems to be deadening me, while others skate by with the same benefits and less than half of the due effort?"
Your mood about the position worsens when a member of another department says, “There is a problem with this work environment, so you should speak to your advisor about that.”
Someone on the outside sees it. This person sees you. You know it must be bad now.
Finally, someone in the office understands your pain. A weight is lifted off your shoulders. This person tells you you have a responsibility to your boss to tell him or her when a situation at work is really below prime.
Sadly, the process of writing a report about the issue means more time on the job. Do you want to commit that time? It may make you appear whiny. Weighing the pros and cons becomes tough.
Then, you decide there is no way this position is sustainable for you. You know everyone on your team works very hard, but maybe this shouldn't be where you devote your time.
If your job is making you this miserable, it is time to switch departments or take on a different role. Don't stay in a situation for convenience. When you wear away at yourself and don't take into account your objectives or what the work does to your quality of life and self-esteem, you could be putting yourself in a bad position a year from now, when the struggles amplify.
What's the solution? Say something.
Reach out to your boss because he or she may not realize you are suffering. Your boss may not think about your concerns because he or she wants to keep his or her head afloat. It's not all about you, and people don't want to make you miserable.
We all want the tasks to be done well, and we all want the organization to succeed. Don't be so dramatic.
Sh*t always gets crazy when people are involved because we try to do what's best, both for the company and for ourselves. Don't get worked up.
So, the next time you feel shafted by your employer, remember not to take it personally. This may mean it's time for a change. You can rock your job as long you are proactive and thoughtful about both your wants and the needs of the organization.