5 Clubs That Prove Barcelona Nightlife Is Unlike Anywhere Else
Partying is to Barcelona as tailgating is to Penn State.
From the gothic quarter to the marina, Barcelona is known for its insane, “sleep when you’re dead” kind of nightlife, where nights turn into mornings in the blink of an eye.
Everyone goes out every single night, even if you’re dying of a hangover. Staying in is not an option.
Here are five clubs in Barcelona, Spain that could quite possibly change your life forever:
1. Sutton
This was our Wednesday night hang out and all time favorite club. I loved this club so much I swore to my friends I would name my daughter after it.
Apart from the $15 watered down vodka Red Bulls, Wednesday nights at Sutton was by far the night of the week we looked forward to most.
After occasionally jumping the line (if we knew the promoter that night), we were greeted by a long, black hallway with glass doors at the end leading into the club. As you walk through the double doors, you hear the music blaring and you’re encompassed by the lights, photographers and other club-goers.
With the oval bar in the center of the dance floor, you feel obligated to drop a lot of cash on drinks and shots for your friends all night long. The DJ booth sits elevated to the left of the dance floor and the bass encourages everyone to dance until they drop.
2. Opium
Not the drug, but close enough because you’ll be addicted to going here every Monday night, or as we called it, “Loco Lunes.”
Translation: Crazy Mondays.
Located directly on the boardwalk of Barcelona’s marina, Opium is the hottest place to start off the week.
From The Chainsmokers to Alesso to 3LAU to Galantis, this insane club has the best of the best EDM DJs every single night. Starting off the night around 1 am, Opium closes at the ripe hour of 6 am for all you night owls. You know who you are.
Once you make your way down the spiral staircase and finally reach the club, you have the “oh so difficult” choice of selecting the boardwalk deck facing the Mediterranean or the massive indoor dance floor with three different bars to order your gin and tonics.
3. Razzmatazz
Although the $20 cover is not the most ideal, Razzmatazz is so worth it. This two-story nightclub hosted all of the study abroad students during Abroadfest and was absolutely insane.
All of our friends who were studying in Europe came to Barcelona for this weekend in particular, and we had the time of our lives.
After paying the absurd but worthy cover, you walk through the doors and instantly feel the place bump. The DJ booth has its own stage that faces the audience; it’s basically a rave concert for everyone in Barcelona.
The craziest part is they do this every night; not just during Abroadfest.
The place looks like a giant factory converted into nightclub.
The main dance floor has elevated blocks for people to dance on, and my friends and I would stay there the whole night dancing and singing.
4. Shoko
While this Asian meets Mediterranean nightclub is significantly smaller than the others on this list, it’s equally as fun.
Shoko was our occasional Tuesday night hang out spot.
The club is pretty much divided in half between an inside and outside section, each complete with its own bar.
The outdoor section was right on the boardwalk and faced the beach and Mediterranean sea, while the inside was decorated in mostly red with flashing lights and a few small dance floors.
5. Carpe Diem Lounge Club (CDLC)
Unlike any club in America, CDLC was our day-long spot.
The exotic cuisine, along with the relaxing atmosphere, truly captured the easy-going lifestyle of Barcelona. This was the perfect after-class hangout spot where you could order fruity drinks all afternoon and lounge on beds directly on the boardwalk looking out over the beautiful Mediterranean.
As you lie down with your drink of choice in hand, masseuses stroll around offering free massages (with expected tips of course.) The waiters cater to your every need while you lounge for hours on end. The delectable sushi and endless appetizers would cure the "drunchies," and before you know it it’s 6 o’clock at night.
As the day turns to night, CDLC transforms into a nightclub with live music and belly dancers.
For those of you who have yet to experience this magnificent city life of craziness and celebration, do yourself a favor and get on a plane to Barcelona the second your bank account allows it.
I relive these magnificent Barcelona nights with my fellow Barcelona babes, and hold the memory of them near and dear to my heart.
Party at any of these five clubsm and I ensure not only will you have the best nightlife experience studying abroad has to offer, but the best nightlife experience in the world.