100 Resolutions Every 20-Something Should Make In Order To Be Happier
Another year and another resolution — or two. Being as messed up as our generation is, there are plenty of resolutions for Gen-Yers to choose from. Which to choose? That depends on you.
What do you want to change most about your life in 2014? What has been weighing on your mind the most in 2013 that you’d love to remove from your life? Changes are best made one at a time, so when there are 100 resolutions we want to make for the next year, it’s best to choose and work on just one.
Which you choose is up to you, just as long as you pick something. Don’t let another year pass you by without you making any changes — changes that you know you need to make in order to start living the life you should be living. If you’re going to make one resolution for the year of 2014, make it to work on the resolutions on this list, one at a time:
1. No more procrastinating. If something needs to be done, you do it then and there.
2. No more eating when you’re down. You’re just going to gain weight and make yourself feel even worse.
3. Get to bed earlier. Nothing great happens after 2 am.
4. Wake up earlier. You don’t need to see the sun come up, but if the birds are chirping then you should be working.
5. Restrict your one-night stands to no more than one person per month. Anything more than that is too much of a gamble to be worth the risk.
6. No more "forgetting" to wear a condom.
7. Give your liver a break and stop being a short step and stumble away from alcoholism.
8. Kick your drug habit and get reacquainted with reality.
9. Fold your clothes before you stuff them into your drawers.
10. Stop spending money on things that you don’t need.
11. Start saving money for a rainy day.
12. Leave your comfort zone at least once a week — every week.
13. Travel more.
14. Explore your sexuality.
15. Don’t party too often, but if you are going to party then do it up right. No half-assed celebrations. Balls to the wall or balls tucked into bed.
16. Give up commenting on topics you are clueless about.
17. When you don’t know the answer to things, ask.
18. Speak up and be heard. Being brilliant is useless unless others recognize it.
19. If you’re introverted, practice being a bit more outgoing and interactive.
20. If you’re extroverted, spend some more time alone, being contemplative.
21. Stop harassing others.
22. Stop allowing yourself to be harassed. Stand up for yourself — no one else will.
23. Resolve to get to know yourself better. You’re the most interesting person you’ll ever get to know.
24. Stop disrespecting women because pop-culture deems it acceptable.
25. Learn to think for yourself.
26. Learn to question authority.
27. Understand that there is always a better, more efficient way to do something. Then figure out how.
28. Be more curious. Life may be an unsolvable puzzle, but it’s a puzzle nonetheless.
29. Start giving back to your community — you may need its help one day.
30. When someone does something nice for you, thank him or her genuinely.
31. Tell those you love that you love them; they won’t be around forever and then you’ll wish you’d have let them know when you had the chance.
32. Take that resolution that you have been “working on” for the last half-decade and actually get it done.
33. Give to those in need. One species, one family.
34. Create that body you have always wanted.
35. Allow yourself to fall in love. You have to want it to find it.
36. Conquer a fear. Then conquer another. Life is to be lived, not feared.
37. Learn to accept what you can’t change.
38. Find the courage to change what you can change.
39. Figure out what you actually want out of life. If you don’t know what is important to you then you don’t know yourself.
40. Find a passion and run with it.
41. Make mistakes. Then learn from them.
42. Learn from the mistakes of others.
43. Read more.
44. Watch less TV.
45. Waste less electricity. Turn the lights off when you aren’t home.
46. Waste less gas.
47. Find new ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
48. Learn to meditate.
49. Meditate more often.
50. Ask that guy or girl out that you’ve been eyeing for the last year, but never had the guts to approach.
51. Stop texting when you’re having dinner.
52. Resolve to spend more time talking to people face-to-face.
53. If you get turned down then don’t dwell, move on.
54. Never live in the past — only in the present and near future.
55. If you forgive then forget.
56. This year, don’t drunk text your ex. It’s time to let go.
57. Spend more time with those who matter and less time with those who don’t.
58. If you hate your job then quit your job. Don’t torture yourself for yet another year.
59. Attempt to do something that you don’t think you can do and then truly give it your all. You’ll be surprised with the results.
60. Be a better son or daughter.
61. Be a better brother or sister.
62. Be a better father or mother.
63. Appreciate the things that others do for you.
64. Make your appreciation known. Not being appreciated has the same result as not knowing you’re appreciated.
65. Wave and smile at strangers. You may just save their lives.
66. Don’t poke fun of those who are in a bad situation. They have enough weighing on their shoulders.
67. Give a helping hand whenever you are able to — not just when you are in the mood to.
68. Become more self-reliant; in the end it’s really you against the world.
69. Either practice what you preach or stop preaching. If you’re going to point a finger then point one at yourself first.
70. Start making more money. When there is a will, there is a way — a legal way.
71. Stay up-to-date on world news. The world keeps getting smaller and smaller and our voices keep getting louder and louder.
72. Resolve to take at least two week-long vacations. Aim for four.
73. Start every day excited and on full throttle. Being energetic in the morning often leads to being energetic throughout the day.
74. Stop having sex on the first date. If you do then it’s almost guaranteed not to turn into anything other than a one-night stand or a recurring bootycall for a month or two.
75. Stop getting drunk or high every time you go out — especially if you’re aiming to meet somebody new.
76. Stop getting drunk or high every time you are about to have sex. Otherwise, you’ll eventually only be able to have sex when you’re drunk or high. Take my word for it.
77. Don’t let people make decisions for you. It’s your life and you’re a grownup dammit.
78. Learn to take responsibility for your actions.
79. Learn something new: a language, an instrument, a sport…
80. Resolve to do what you believe to be right.
81. Promise yourself to keep an open mind and to weigh all the options carefully.
82. Read up or brush up on philosophy. It will change the way you perceive the world and your purpose in it.
83. Accept that there is no one reality, but a multitude of them—each person perceiving things just a little differently.
84. Don’t get worked up during arguments. They're not worth the stress.
85. See things a bit more black and white. It’ll make making decisions a whole lot easier.
86. Practice self-control. You may not be able to control every aspect of your life, but you can control you.
87. Dance a bit more.
88. Sing a little louder.
89. Laugh a little harder.
90. Become a hugger. Handshakes are for strangers.
91. Make those who are important in your life feel special. Give them the attention and love that they deserve and they will reciprocate.
92. Stop being such an assh*le or bitch. Ain't nobody got time for dat.
93. Stop picking on the weak. If you want to fight, then pick on someone your own size, you coward.
94. Resolve to find more balance in your life. Extremes are a part of life, but without overall balance, we will fall off the deep end and drown.
95. Train your brain. It’s the greatest and most important tool in your arsenal. Learn to use it better.
96. Delay gratification. The wait itself is usually the best part.
97. Don’t cheat. Break up.
98. Keep the promises you make and don’t make promises that you can’t keep.
99. No more making excuses for yourself. You are in control of your destiny; if you fail to make something out of yourself then you are the one that is failing — nobody else.
100. Stop taking life so seriously. It’s supposed to be fun. And besides, it’ll all be over before you know it.
Top Photo Courtesy: We Heart It