
This Is Exactly What Being A Stay-At-Home Dad With Daughters Is Like (Video)

by Gillian Fuller

Stay-at-home mothers are fairly common, but stay-at-home dads are much less so.

Caleb Cook is one of the brave (and incredibly patient) fathers who made the decision to quit his job so he could stay home and raise his two young daughters.

Cook, who formerly worked in the culinary field, has been a full-time, stay-at-home dad for three years now, and he still feels as though “every day is an adventure.”

If you're wondering what, exactly, a stay-at-home father does all day, the video up top should serve as a pretty solid clue.

Suffice it to say, three years of full-time, daddy-daughter bonding has given this man patience and a zen-like sensibility that rivals that of the most masterful of meditators.

Keep up the good work, Pops.

Citations: This Is The Life Of A Stay At Home Dad Of Two Daughters (Buzzfeed)