
22 People Who Didn't Give A Sh*t Who They Got Their HBO Go Passwords From

by Connor Toole

If you're one of those people who wants all the luxuries of cable television without the cable television price, there aren't many things more valuable in this world than the password to an HBO Go account.

HBO just announced that it'll be letting people pay to access the channel's vast catalog starting sometime next year, but until then, you have to put in a little bit of effort if you want to watch your favorite shows.

It's never been easy to get an HBO Go password, but it's more than worth the work.

A number of Twitter users took to the platform to share how they got their morally questionable account, and it's amazing what some people have supposedly gone through to get their premium cable fix.

I know not all of these are actually true, but considering how valuable HBO Go can be, nothing would really surprise me.

I use my roommate's best friend from high school's frat brother's ex girlfriend's mom's HBO Go account. — Molly Hensley-Clancy (@Molly_HC) October 15, 2014
My brothers ex boss's mothers account that idek if she knows how to use. — Alison Wonderland (@alibpuffin) October 15, 2014
My ex-girlfriend's roommate's boyfriend's old college roommate — George Quiroz (@GQisreal) October 15, 2014
my sister's husband's best friend's stepmom — Contessa LaLobo (@Contessalalobo) October 15, 2014
my ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend — stacy (@thinkfreelyy) October 15, 2014
My co-worker that insisted I borrow his account to watch 'True Detective' so he could discuss it with someone. — Carmelo Star (@CarmeloStar) October 15, 2014
My boyfriend's fraternity brother's parents — Fallon Falcone (@fallon_falcone) October 15, 2014
My best friend's friend's on and off again boyfriend's saved on my old laptop — Rachel Mucha (@rachmucha) October 15, 2014
My parents account that automatically logs in - I didn't even know you needed a password — John Weicher (@John_Weicher) October 15, 2014
my craigslist roommate's grandmother's — Molly (@mollymcgeehin) October 15, 2014
My s/o's sister's husband. — Kelly McMann (@kellysayswords) October 15, 2014
My best friends cousins stepdaughters soccer coach — Brittany Wrinkle (@queenbrinkle) October 15, 2014
My sister's old friend's dad — summer-a (@sumra_iqbal) October 15, 2014
my sister's boyfriend of 3 years' ex girlfriend's brother — isabelle (@oswiinn) October 15, 2014
My grandpa's bowling partner's ex-wife — Vanessa Marie (@_vanessamariexo) October 15, 2014
My brother's ex girlfriend — Party With An M (@MartyGagax) October 15, 2014
I still use my high school crush's dad's HBOGo account and I don't care who knows it — Lauren L'Amie (@LameLAmie) October 15, 2014
My best friend's mother's twin sister's son. — Hannah Jacobs (@HanahJacobs) October 15, 2014
My ex boyfriend's aunt's ex husband :/ — Samantha Jo Goes (@SamanthaJoGoes) October 15, 2014
My friends "friend" who tried to date her but didn't and became bitter so she sent it out — Whitney (@_vvhit) October 15, 2014
My work friend's old roommate's family — Maddie (@Maddie2130) October 15, 2014
My haven't-seen-in-15-years sorority sister and her husband (whom I've never met) — Ally Jenkins (@AllyJenkinsDC) October 15, 2014

 Photo Courtesy: Twitter