
Women Proudly Share Pictures Of Their Stretch Marks With #LoveYourLines


Recently there's been a movement to drop the ridiculous, superficial standards of beauty and instead just embrace who you truly are, imperfections and all.

Even models know a change needs to be made, and that's precisely the reason Chrissy Teigen posted a picture of her "stretchies" on social media yesterday.

Stretch marks are caused by everything from growth spurts and pregnancies to weight fluctuations, so people of all shapes and sizes have them, even supermodels.

Her photo proves models are just like the rest of us and having imperfections only makes you a human being.

That's not all; her "stretchies" have actually inspired a lot of ladies out there, and now there's a growing number of women sharing pictures of their own stretch marks on social media using the hashtag #LoveYourLines.

It takes a lot of courage to reveal your "flaws" in this airbrushed, Photoshopped world we live in, so you have to give these women a lot of credit for being real.

Take a look at the photos below to see these incredible ladies.

Chrissy Teigen posted a picture of her "stretchies" on Instagram...

To show the world she looks like everyone else.

Since then, lots of empowered ladies are showing some skin to tell others it's important to #LoveYourLines.

The world needs to drop the unrealistic ideals of beauty and embrace the "flaws" that make you unique.

Whether you're curvy...

A strong yogi...

A fitness fanatic...

Or a model...

These women prove you can be any size and have stretch marks.

There's no reason to be ashamed of a few lines that show you brought a new life into the world.

Whether you have these lines on your breasts...

Your butt...

Or your stomach...

 Your marks tell a tale of your journey through life...

And you should celebrate your marks instead of hiding them.

After all, your marks make you beautiful and you should be proud of your stripes.

Citations: Women are proudly sharing pictures of their stretch marks using the hashtag #LoveYourLines (Metro )