5 Things You Can Do With A Vibrator Besides... You Know
Along with a decent mattress, a few handy recipes and a solid savings plan, everyone should have a good vibrator by the time they hit their mid-twenties. They're great for getting you through long months of singledom or those times when you need to put your head down and focus on nothing but work.
But I bet you didn't know there are a bunch of other great uses for vibrators beyond enhancing your sex life. Keep scrolling to find out how.
Work out that kink in your neck.
A powerful vibrator is a powerful tool against back and neck pain. Simply turn the device onto its highest setting and massage the sore spot with slow, circular motions. Typical back rubs can't compete with this high-tech improvement. Rubbing one out never felt so relaxing.
Calm down your baby.
Remember when Miranda calmed down her baby with a vibrator on "Sex and the City"? Or when Seth Rogen and Rose Byrn gave their kid a giant, purple vibrator in "Neighbors 2"?
Yeah, they did that because it actually works. You can be a little more subtle about it, though, by hiding your vibrator inside a fluffy teddy bear. That way, you can let your baby chill with the soothing vibrations without having to answer all kinds of questions from your neighbors... or Child Protective Services.
Make your latte extra frothy.
Don't have a fancy latte machine? Have no fear, waterproof vibrators are here! All you have to do is warm up a glass of milk, turn on your vibrator and drop it in. Just make sure you wash it first.
Help your turtle with constipation.
Yep, that's right. Among the many wonderful uses for a vibrator, you can help your pet turtle get things moving along when they're having a little trouble. According to Cracked, turtles inadvertently eat lots of small, indigestible pebbles that can clog up their intestinal tracts. For a long time, vets had to resort to surgery to fix the problem; but in 2011, one genius in London came up with the idea to tape a vibrator to a turtle's stomach.
The vibrations of the device massage the turtle's abdomen, helping disturb the stuck pebbles and getting things moving again. So be sure to have a vibrator and some painter's tape on hand next time you need to help a tortoise out.
Turn your regular toothbrush into an electric one.
Don't waste hundreds of dollars on an electric toothbrush. Get the tape back out from your constipated turtle rescue mission and strap that sucker onto your regular toothbrush. After a power-charged brushing, your teeth will feel extra clean and slightly sleepy.
Need help picking out a good vibrator that's also affordable? I highly recommend Intimate Melody's 3-in-1 LAVA G-Spot Vibrator. The company sent me one recently and let's just say I helped a lot of tortoises with their constipation.
3-in-1 LAVA G-Spot Vibrator, $69, Amazon
So, if you're having a problem and wondering if your vibrator might be able to fix it, give it a try! What have you got to lose?