
Google Home Is Here To Help In The Kitchen Even If You're A Terrible Cook

by Danielle Valente

Google Home is ready to help you in the kitchen with a new feature, and Lord knows I need all the help I can get.

I'm still waiting to inherit the coveted Italian-cooking gene, but I fear it might never arrive.

My mother served as my personal in-house Mario Batali for most of my life, and my grandmother whipped up homemade rice balls in her prime.

Jean-Claude Manfredi

I, however, end up with dented forks after prodding rock-solid artichokes. Sometimes, uncooked chicken bits make their way into my hair. And, if I'm really lucky, my impetuous kitchen skills will cause my boyfriend to down Pepto Bismol 20 minutes after our meal.

I need a little help — especially if I'm following a recipe 0n my iPhone (which will inevitably undergo a little mess).

If your culinary skills rival those of yours truly, just be glad to know Google is attempting to placate your kitchen woes.

The Google Assistant-powered speaker, Google Home, will now offer over 5 million recipes — from The New York Times and Bon Appetit, among other sources — right at your fingertips.


And fortunately, you don't have to use said fingertips for anything other than cooking. So if that salmonella-carrying chicken thigh usually smears across your hands and your cell screen, you're now in luck.

You'll receive step-by-step voice instructions — and still have the ability to play your favorite tunes — all while Google's answer to Alexa acts as your sous chef. Let's call her Luciana because it goes with my Italian theme.


If Google Home/Luciana is going a little too fast and you didn't finish crushing those tomatoes, you can easily ask for repeats. Even better? No one (ahem, mom) will be nagging you about the more efficient way to prepare something while rubbing her superior skills in your face.

Those in the kitchen mean serious business, after all.

To begin, access Google Search on your iPhone or Google Assistant on your Android. They'll be a myriad of recipes to choose from — hello, 5 million — so selecting an option might be just as time-consuming as preparing it.

But if you've found your desired dish after muddling through all of those choices, all you have to do is click "Send to Google Home" and say to the speaker, "Google, start cooking."

Perhaps this tech-savvy answer to preparing a recipe is the best way for young, inexperienced millennials like myself to learn how to cook a meal without the pressure of following someone else.

My kitchen is only big enough for Luciana and I anyway, so we'll give it a whirl.

No more chicken bits on my cell screen... but my hair is another story.

Citations: Beginning Today, Google Home Will Be Your Personal Kitchen Assistant (Refinery29)