
This Couple Traveled The World To Find The Meaning Of True Love

by Kaylin Pound

Love is a glorious, yet mysterious, thing.

We spend so much of our lives looking for this elusive feeling; searching for someone who can tame our wild hearts and fill our souls with the maddening bliss of being truly, deeply in love.

But have you stopped for a moment to ask yourself, "What is the real meaning of unconditional love?"

I honestly couldn't tell you, but luckily one adventurous couple may have finally found the answer.

Recently, Ryan Fontana and Molly Joseph set off on an incredible journey around the world to "manifest their ideal reality" and uncover the purpose of life together.

The mission was simple,

To live fully in the present moment, choose love over fear, say 'yes' to adventure and blow through the limits of my comfort zone.

After selling all of their belongings, the couple quit their jobs as big-time DJs, packed their bags and headed to the Pacific, where they spent the next few months gaining new perspectives on their relationship as they explored foreign lands.

So then, what exactly did these two learn about love during their travels?

According to Ryan's Instagram,

Sharing ourselves completely with our partner, we begin to shine light into all of the areas of ourselves that we have shrouded in darkness, making the seemingly unlovable, lovable once more. This is what it means to love unconditionally.

This beautiful couple is certainly an inspiration to all.

Meet Ryan Fontana and Molly Joseph.

After returning from a trip to Yosemite, these two realized there was something missing in their lives.

So, the couple quit their day jobs as DJs, sold all of their belongings and set off on an epic adventure across the Pacific to find the true meaning of love.

Shortly after their trip began, Molly wrote on Instagram, "It's crazy to think that only three years ago I was a cancer patient, seeing doctor after doctor in New York..."

"...When I think of where I've been in comparison to where I am now, I know for sure that anything is possible, that dreams do come true. I know that hitting bottom makes life at the top that much sweeter, that without the lows the highs would be meaningless."

Over the next several months, these two shared some incredible moments together as they wandered across the world.

They explored jungles and ancient temples...

Waded through waterfalls...

Found their spiritual side in the sand...

Discovered life beneath the surface of the sea...

And even helped some new friends along the way.

Ryan told Elite Daily, "Most people go on journeys to find themselves. For us, it was more about letting go of everything we were not..."

"...Our favorite part of the journey has been the constant learning and growing and noticing how it has improved every other area of our lives. You really get to know yourself and your partner and you gain a brand new perspective on life, love and happiness."

So, what did traveling the world teach these free-spirited soulmates about love?

Well, Ryan told us, "Unconditional love is all abut accepting and appreciating another personal for all that they are, their beauty as well as their shadows..."

"...It's about being completely honest and vulnerable, letting another person see all of you, and being met with compassion. Ultimately, you feel safe knowing that there is no thought, feeling to action that makes you unlovable."

At the end of the day, "Traveling with your partner means nothing stays hidden, they see absolutely all of you: the good, the bad and the ugly..."

"...There are the romantic moments standing under waterfalls, and then there are the nights of holding each other's hair in the bathroom when you both have Dengue fever. It turns out the less than glamorous moments are the ones I cherish most."

According to Molly, "I lost my mind, but I found my heart..."

And those life-enriching experiences are something that money simply can't buy.