Rob Kardashian Will Be Live-Tweeting The Next Episode Of ‘Rob & Chyna'
You have a "Sophie's Choice" ahead of you this Sunday. Do you watch the Emmys or tune-in to "Rob & Chyna?"
I know, you should consult your love ones during this trying time.
Well, Rob Kardashian just made choosing the latter of the two options much more viable because he just announced to the entire Twitter-verse that he'd be live-tweeting the next episode of his E! show.
Rob began his big announcement by teasing us all with the longest "yo" of all time.
Needless to say, the tension on Twitter grew to a boiling point... until Rob posted this tweet one minute later. It was the longest minute of my life.
How quickly our entire universe can change from 3:38 pm to 3:39 pm.
But the third post in this Twitter hat trick that will make any Kardashian fan emotionally lose it is this pic of Rob and Chyna making out with the fiery passion of a million suns.
These two should get a room! Hopefully, that room will be your living room at 9 pm EST this Sunday.
What do you say? Will you watch Rob and Chyna over the cast and crew of "Game of Thrones" winning a billion awards this Sunday night?