Margot Robbie's Beauty Routine Is Insane In This 'American Psycho' Parody
Margot Robbie is apparently totally psychotic. That is, her beauty routine is psychotic, according to a new video parody of "American Psycho" from Vogue.
The Australian actress will grace the cover of Vogue's June 2016 issue, which is probably why this video got made.
In the video, which was shot in the same style as the original movie starring Christian Bale, Robbie wakes up and narrates her way through her morning beauty routine.
Here's the original beauty routine clip from "American Psycho."
The parody, similar to the original clip, is eerily soothing in its calm craziness. Just listen to Christian Bale's character. Oh my God, he is so crazy.
Of course, Margot Robbie is not actually insane, unlike Christian Bale's character.
But the spoof, called "Australian Psycho," is a great idea because Robbie's beauty routine actually does sound kind of crazy, at least to a dude. Also, describing a beauty routine is exactly what Christian Bale does in the original clip, so the parody really was a solid move.
In the context of the spoof, Robbie walks the viewer through her beauty routine (and she does it in an American accent too).
Robbie says,
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll hold two cold spoons dipped in lapsang souchong over my eyes. I like to meditate while I work on my core, even though I was born with a six-pack. In the shower, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion, then a fossilized blue-green algae body scrub. I can't remember the last time I washed my hair. It basically cleans itself now. Then, I apply a propriety glycolic and pearl mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use a small-batch, placenta-infused facial toner for that third-trimester glow without the cravings. Then, moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Wow, that's a lot of things going on. Well, whatever Robbie is doing seems to be working because she looks as beautiful as ever. Not to mention, she crushes this parody.
Anyway, the video rides the spoof to its conclusion until Robbie gradually breaks out her Australian accent to cue the end.
Check out the full video at the top. See how good the parody is -- it's on point -- and hear Margot Robbie's beauty tips for yourself.
Citations: Watch Margot Robbie in a Strange, Oddly Soothing American Psycho Spoof (GQ), Margot Robbie's Beauty Routine Is Psychotically Perfect (Vogue)