Lizzo's Quotes About Myke Wright Are Seriously Romantic
“There’s nobody else I’m going to be with for the rest of my life.”
Lizzo knows what it’s like 2 be loved. On Dec. 12, she appeared on the Howard Stern Show and discussed her relationship with comedian Myke Wright, and Lizzo’s quotes about Myke show how serious their romance is.
During their conversation, Stern asked Lizzo if men should continue to pursue her, considering her relationship status. “Don’t waste your time, honey. I am very much in love with Myke,” she told him, before adding that she was “absolutely” and “100%” head over heels.
The duo first met in 2016, when they co-hosted MTV’s Wonderland, a weekly music series. However, they didn’t start dating until years later, and only confirmed their relationship in April 2022. During the interview with Stern, she explained, “In the past, we were friends. I had a lot of sh*t to do, and I still was very much in my ‘I feel un-loveable’ place, and I still was very much not where I wanted to be career-wise.”
Apparently, that’s why it took so long for things to get romantic between them. “I have always since I was a teenager put my career in front of any relationship, any person,” Lizzo added. “Even if a person came around that I was googly gaga about, I had these wild defenses up that made it almost impossible for a true intimate relationship to occur. It was all very surface with anyone.”
Eventually, things became less platonic. “When the time was right we came together, and we just recently were like, ‘Oh, we together. This is official,’” she said. "We’re not playing any games with each other anymore. We’re very much locked in.”
When Stern asked if they were getting hitched, Lizzo kept it ambiguous. “There’s nobody else I’m going to be with for the rest of my life,” she said. Marriage or not, that sounds like a pretty solid commitment.
Lizzo has previously opened up about her thoughts on marrying Myke. In an October interview with Vanity Fair, the rapper explained, “He’s the love of my life. We are life mates. Do I want to get married? If I wanted to start a business with him, I’d get married because that’s when your finances come together. I like weddings. I would like to have a wedding over a marriage.”