Kim Kardashian Just Crushed Her Haters With Five Simple Words
There are two kinds of people in the world: People who love Kim Kardashian and people who absolutely loathe her.
Some love her for her body-positive message, others hate her for her lewd nudes. Sure, the girl has her flaws, but don't we all?
And if there is one thing the haters and lovers can agree on it's that Kim K always stays on brand.
Take, for example, her recent acceptance speech for the the inaugural Break the Internet Award at the 2016 Webby's.
Before you hear her speech, here's a little background on the Webby's acceptance speech rules. The Internet awards ceremony only allows winners 5 words to express their gratitude to keep "celebrations vibrant and exciting."
When it was her turn to accept her award, Kim K got on stage and kept her speech on point, saying simply,
Nude selfies until I die.
You know what, Kim, good for you. You know who you are, you know what you like and damn the man. Screw the haters. You just won an award for being you. Take it home and display it proudly.