New 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Trailer Just Dropped And Winter Is Officially Here
With 26 days to go before the debut of Game of Thrones Season 7, the second trailer has arrived. And as we all suspected -- it's war.
And even better... the piano is back.
(Sorry, I've just spent the entire last 12 months listening to "Light of the Seven" on repeat -- that's the name of the track -- and hearing it at the beginning of the trailer made me burst into tears all over again. Don't mind me.)
There is so much to break down in this trailer, but here are some of the major highlights:
1. That voiceover from Littlefinger to Sansa. He's the poison that's dripping in thine ear, and I'm *very* worried. Especially since he's pointing her towards the wrong war.
2. The Wall opening up its northern gates and Jon dressed to go Beyond the Wall. Yo, King-in-Da-North, Dany is to the South, could you please go the other way?
3. Cersei is really unpopular, isn't she? Blowing up the tony area of SeBa (named for the Sept of Baelor, natch) really wasn't good for housing prices, and the rest of the neighborhood is not happy about the loss of property values.
4. Dany is in possession of Stannis' map. Let's not tell her what he and Melisandre did on it.
5. Shots of Arya, Jaime, and Littlefinger -- the latter hiding in darkened shadows, as he should.
6. Unlike Littlefinger, Jon Snow knows which war is the one we're facing.
7. Dragons!
8. Tyrion, Theon, Greyworm, Brienne, and Pod are all here to take their positions.
9. That was the Hound!
10. That's a lot of armies, including one of crows.
11. I don't like it when Bran startles the Night King. Tell him to stop doing that.
12. BERIC FRAKKING DONDARRION! With an actual sword on fire.
13. That's a lot of fighting, including a battle with Dragons.
14. The lovers in the shot between battles is Missandei and Greyworm, btw.
15. "The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." Words to live by, Sansa Stark.
Game of Thrones Season 7 arrives on July 16, 2017, at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.