Jon Snow & Daenerys Will Finally Unite, According To ‘GOT’ Season 7 Episode 3 Teaser
At the end of this week's episode, Dany's hesitation leads to her first major defeat in battle. Though Tyrion has a plan, will his Queen continue to follow his cautious advice? Will she demand a strong answer to Euron's decimation of her fleet? Will Dany and Jon Snow finally unite?
Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 3 is entitled "The Queen's Justice." For those who need a reminder, here is the synopsis.
Daenerys holds court. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes.
Here's the trailer:
Before we dig in, it should be noted that nearly all of this trailer was in the SDCC trailer that was released on Friday afternoon. but there are some new bits as well. Let's run them down.
Cersei draws blood.
She's so smug. Do we point out to her that now she's got to think of new tasks for Euron to keep him dangling?
Cersei knows Dany is coming.
The element of surprise may be lost for Dany, but seriously, have you seen those dragons of hers? Nothing is going to prepare the soldiers for that.
Euron's a mad man... and a total ham.
Does this make him a Mad Ham? Mad4Ham? Can we get Lin Manuel Miranda to score Euron's arrival?
We see lots of battle shots.
I slowed it down and checked for you, none of them were new.
Hm, what's up with the King of the North?
(Nice armor by the way! I hope you brought that nice cloak Sansa made you as well, it's very becoming and King-esque and whatnot.)
And finally, meet The Mother of Dragons.
Davos, I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
(By the way, doesn't this throne look more imposing and yet more comfortable than the Iron Throne? Perhaps when Dany wins this thing she can melt that ugly lump of iron down, and sit on this instead.)