Where The Magic Happens: Boston U. Is Offering 'Harry Potter' Sex Ed
The "Harry Potter" books don't seem especially sexy, but a couple of graduate interns at Boston University are hoping to use them to teach students about safe sex.
Michelle Goode and Jamie Klufts intend to use the series as a fun and captivating jumping point to talk to BU students about issues such as contraception, STDs and responsible drinking.
Klufts said,
A lot of students entering college don't actually get a foundation in sexual health, so we are going back to the basics, and finding ways to loop in references and scenarios from 'Harry Potter.'
The course is part of a month-long sex ed program at the university called "Frisky February."
The class, Sex-ed at Hogwarts, was born when its founders began thinking JK Rowling was remiss in not addressing the budding sexuality of the students at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Klufts said,
How can you have a school full of wizards and not talk about sex and sexuality?
Harry and his pals seemed to have a lot else on their minds, like vanquishing He Who Must Not Be Named, but when you have a school full of adolescent kids, there's bound to be some hanky panky going on. Just like at college.
Thus far, 80 people signed up for the class at Boston University.
Citations: Harry Potter meets sex ed at Boston University event (Boston Globe)