Euron Greyjoy's 'GOT' Season 7 Makeover May Confirm This Fan Theory
Game of Thrones has spent the last month or so releasing images and trailers from the forthcoming season. We've gotten a look at all our remaining Starks, the Lannister siblings, Daenerys Targaryen and most of Team Targ.
But one character from last season has been conspicuously absent. New arrival Euron Greyjoy, played by actor Pilou Asbæk, hasn't been seen at all.
According to a new interview in Entertainment Weekly, that's actually a deliberate choice on the part of the production. Elder Uncle Greyjoy apparently got a makeover during the off season. His scraggly hair has been streamlined. His outfit, which looked just like every other Iron Islander, has also been traded out for something more striking.
Asbæk says Euron's personality also will be different. “He's much more just f*cking enjoying himself this season. He's more charming. He takes himself seriously, but not too seriously.”
Why the change? Was it one too many Trump comparisons? (To be fair, Asbæk encouraged those at the time.) Or is it proof Euron has his sights this season on taking a Queen of the Andals to wife? As writer Bryan Cogman says, Euron is now the type of guy "who will kill you and steal your girlfriend."
Since we saw Euron last, his plan to propose to Dany has been cut off at the pass by Yara and Theon. With marrying a Dragon Queen out of the picture, fans have theorized he might pivot to a Wildfire Queen instead. How Jaime is going to feel about is anyone's guess.
Asbæk seems to confirm this theory. Though as he sees it, it's not about which one is more worthy a mate. It's just a matter of which one he's got a better chance with.
For Euron, the question is, 'Who gives me the best odds?'Is it the dragon mother? No. Is it with Cersei? I think it is. Dany is still trying to be a good, decent, honest person. Cersei sold her soul many years ago.Maybe that's why Euron likes the idea of her.
Will Cersei like the idea of him? We'll find out when Game of Thrones returns on Sunday, July 16, at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.