
29 Pics That Prove Drake Should Wear His Birthday Suit All Year Long (Photos)

by Katie Corvino

The miracle of birth is a truly beautiful thing. While most babies are welcomed into the world the uh, natural way, Drake's first moments of life were different.

You may not know this about him, but baby Drake was actually sent down from Heaven guided by 10,000 angels.

As he approached our dear Earth, God played a golden harp to let us know life as we knew it would change forever. And it did.

Today marks the 29th anniversary of this momentous occasion, aka it's Drake's 29th birthday, bitch.

I'm not quite sure where we would be if Drake's music, facial hair and sexy muscles didn't grace us with their presence. We'd probably all be dead.

Anyway, to celebrate his birth, let's look at 29 sexy photos of Drake that will def make you feel things. They're super hot, but I think they'd be a lot hotter if Drake just stripped down to his birthday suit. Am I right or am I right?

RIGHT. Now, it's time to sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Oh, and HBD, Drake.

1) Let's start off with this super casual pic of Drake flexing his muscles and destroying our lives. It's chill. NBD.


2) Here we have this nice frontal angle...Yup. It's v nice. That's all. NOTHING SPECIAL.


3) There's this mediocre pic of his body lying there -- so fragile, so still, so shirtless.


4) There's this pic of his sweaty, beautiful back that shouldn't be cropped at the hips (if you know what I'm sayin').


5) Now, just look at the way he stares into the abyss and contemplates the size of his biceps.


6) Look at him taking a moment to think about the strength of his forearms.


7) Here he looks like perfection in human form, but there's one thing missing. Where's that birthday suit, bae?


8) I thought we agreed you would take it off. All of it.


9) OK, all right. Now, you're getting the idea.


10) There he is. There's our boy. https://instagram.com/p/8bPXczDQDt/embed/

11) Holy sh*t. Yeah, you're doing great, Drake. Really. https://instagram.com/p/9Ko1LlD7Di/embed/

12) I don't know if I can look at this and not collapse on the floor. https://instagram.com/p/41L5QzDQNC/embed/

13) Someone send help. I fell, and I can't get up. https://instagram.com/p/3fOIQVDQPd/embed/

14) I mean, wow. Look at that face. Look at those nips. https://instagram.com/p/3ND-Y3DQKH/embed/

15) This is still hot as hell, and he's wearing a BUCKET HAT. https://instagram.com/p/vEvjiSjQHC/embed/

16) Drake, I see you're just chillaxing, but can you take off that hoodie real quick? I'm looking for the bod. https://instagram.com/p/n1dPZEjQE2/embed/

17) That's better. LOOK AT THAT SHADOW DEFINITION. https://instagram.com/p/lCcAa1jQPN/embed/

18) Even this drawing of him is hot. https://instagram.com/p/hVO7pyDQGD/embed/

19 Even his armpit is hot. https://instagram.com/p/gZxDbjDQCY/embed/

20) Even his teeth are hot. https://instagram.com/p/s6-4olDQE0/embed/

21) Here he models a nice, tight, chest-hugging top. It really makes the mind wander. https://instagram.com/p/uDKn-_jQOo/embed/

22) I SAID, "TAKE OFF THE DAMN HOODIE, DRAKE." https://instagram.com/p/tiyuWQDQMJ/embed/

23) OMG. Bye. https://instagram.com/p/r2sHfzDQGQ/embed/

24) Jeans are nice and all, but do you know what's even better? Not wearing jeans. Yeah. https://instagram.com/p/zjZ23NDQMP/embed/

25) Please observe the way his sweat shines in the light. IT'S GLISTENING. https://instagram.com/p/z2PzfTDQP9/embed/

26)  Here he looks like a sexy daffodil, and I just want to frolic in his field. (Interpret that as you wish.) https://instagram.com/p/4Pqyi3jQPV/embed/

27) I ADMIT IT. HE'S STILL SEXY EVEN IN A TURTLENECK. https://instagram.com/p/83x9lyjQKP/embed/

28) Draaakkeeeeeeee. Drake. Drake. Drake. https://instagram.com/p/IospQkjQIE/embed/

29) Happy birthday, beautiful. Thank you for saving us all.


(Call me.)