Strangely Mesmerizing 'Damn Daniel' Vine Takes The Internet By Storm
The Internet is freaking out over one video of a kid walking around in white Vans and getting catcalled by his friend. The video, which has been embedded into a tweet for our convenient perusal, already has 90,000 likes and 72,000 retweets.
The off-camera voice gives "Daniel" a shout-out for his fly style, saying,
Damn, Daniel! Back at it again in the white Vans!
Is it just me, or does this disembodied voice sound a lot like Nathan from "South Park"? You never know...
Whoever figures out why this video triggers something deep inside all of us should fo sho win a Nobel prize. Also, be prepared for "Damn Daniel" to enter our vocabulary as a rough synonym for "awesome." Because teenagers will inherit the Earth.
Watch the Vine below and don't be surprised when "Daaayyyuummm Daniel!" invades your dreams tonight.
Citations: Check Out Damn Daniel, the Teen Who Went Viral for His Sick White Vans (GQ)