James Corden Wants You To Know He Gets Judged For His Looks, Too
James Corden is opening up about something you don't often hear the men of Hollywood talk about: fat-phobia.
If you're not familiar with the term, it basically just means the cruelty and discrimination that people above a certain jean size face every day.
Fat-phobia particularly affects women, because of how much value society places on the female body and its appearance.
Ask any woman in Hollywood — or look at any woman in Hollywood – it's obvious how much pressure actresses feel to be skinny.
But James Corden has an important reminder for us in his recent interview with Esquire: Men are affected by fat-phobia, too, especially in Hollywood.
In the interview, the 38-year-old host of "The Late Late Show" walks through his career, and recalls some frustrations along the way — like the limited choices of roles he was offered as an actor.
After Corden appeared in the wildly successful stage show "The History Boys" — in the West End, on Broadway and in the film adaptation — he noticed his cast mates getting amazing opportunities, while he was... not.
He said,
When 'The History Boys' became the hottest play in London, there were eight boys of a similar age, and they were all getting these massive film scripts. And I would get the one page of a script for a guy who drops off a television to Hugh Grant, or who works at a newsstand and sells a paper to Julianne Moore. And I was like, 'None of this is based on ability or charisma. It's only about how I look, and about the assumption that people who look like that don't fall in love in as nice a way as others. People who look like that are not as interesting.'
Obviously, things worked out OK for Corden in the end, fame-wise.
But it's an important reminder of some issues Hollywood (and society) still needs to work on — like treating fat people like normal human beings.
Citations: James Corden Is in the Driver's Seat (Esquire)