Christie Brinkley Is 63 And Still The Hottest Model In SI's Swimsuit Issue
Somehow, someway, at the age 63, Christie Brinkley is still crushing it.
How hard is she crushing it? So hard that she's posing in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit issue, next to her two daughters, and ACTUALLY LOOKING BETTER THAN THEM.
It's actually hard to tell what's crazier here: the fact that Brinkley is posing with two women literally half her age and is still the star of the shoot says a lot.
But then there's the fact that she's doing this 42 years after she first appeared in a SI Swimsuit issue.
I'm just gonna speak for all of us here: This don't make no damn sense.
I literally have no words to describe how goods she looks at this age, but Brinkley herself does. In the caption of her Instagram photo revealing the magazine spread, she wrote,
Thank you Sports Illustrated for sending the powerful message that good things come in packages of every size and we do not come with an expiration date!
Safe to say, if there's any woman to point to as proof against the concept of an "expiration date," it's the one posing in a bathing suit in her golden years.
And let's face it: The idea of an expiration date is an idea many subscribe to. Even Brinkley herself thought she'd be too old to pose, back when she was 30!
She told People magazine,
My first thought was, 'At my age? No way!' When I turned 30, I was like, 'This is the last time I'm posing in a bathing suit!' When this issue comes out, I'll be 63. I thought, 'Those days are over.' But to get to do it with my girls, I thought, 'One last go!'
Christie Brinkley, 63, is back in her swimsuit for @SI_Swimsuit—with her daughters! https://t.co/p6bkQRNLqz pic.twitter.com/eQEFs8WT4y — People Magazine (@people) February 7, 2017
And yet, here she is, at 63 years of age, still killing it in magazines. What a goddess.