7 Reasons Ben From 'The Bachelor' Would Make The Perfect Valentine
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and now is the perfect time to find this year's valentine.
The latest season of ABC's "The Bachelor," featuring Ben Higgins, has conveniently enough, just begun.
What does that mean you may ask? Well, it means Ben is the perfect bachelor to fill the spot as your Valentine this year.
Of course, you unfortunately aren't one of the lucky ladies on this season of the show, but that doesn't mean you can't pretend you're living the good life, side by side with Ben Higgins.
A girl is free to imagine a perfect Valentine's Day right? Especially with bachelor Ben.
Here are just a few of the many reasons why Ben should be the only man you have eyes for this Valentine's Day.
1. He is sweet and kind.
Ben isn't one of those average thugs, f*ckboys or guys who would stand you up on a date.
He's always genuine, and one of the nicest bachelors this show has ever seen. He's just an all around sweet guy. He'd know how to treat you right this Valentine's Day, that's a fact.
2. He knows how to respect a girl.
Not once after season 11 did Ben bash Kaitlyn.
He even sent out a tweet wishing her the best and thanking her for the season once it was over, and she didn't even choose him.
His heart was broken, but he still knew how to keep it classy. He's also extremely respectful of all the women on the new season.
HE'S JUST A GENTLEMAN, OK? The man really knows how to treat a lady.
3. He volunteers his time to a good cause.
Ben constantly tweets about Humanity and Hope United, a cause he actively follows. He uses his fame to get his fans behind a platform he cares about.
He's also known in his small town for always being there to lend a helping hand. He is probably one of the most selfless bachelors we have seen in years.
4. He is great with kids.
He gets a 10-point bonus on this one. Who doesn't want a Valentine who is great with kids?
Current Valentine? Future father of my children? I think yes.
He always posts photos on Instagram with babies who are way too cute to handle.
And, who doesn't remember in season 11, when Ben had to teach a sex education class to grade school children? He handled that with ease, and taught them in the most adorable way possible.
5. He is super manly and into the great outdoors.
His Instagram is also loaded with pictures of him fishing and hiking.
I'm thinking after the Valentine's dinner we could pitch a tent out in the park and have an amazing night under the stars. What do you think, Ben?
6. He's not afraid to loosen up and have some fun.
I can't even begin to talk about the crazy things Kaitlyn made the men of season 11 do.
Ben did everything from auditioning for a Broadway show to square dancing.
Can I also point out he's a really good dancer? That's an extra bonus point.
Ben just has such a positive attitude about everything, and is always willing to be silly and have fun. What is better than that?
7. He is just plain beautiful.
Maybe it's the thick dark hair, the perfect white teeth, that clear cut smile or just those big shoulders that turn us on.
Yes, please.
Can I PLEASE have Ben Higgins sitting across from me at the table the night of Valentine's Day?! He is just too hot to handle.
Now that we have gone over all the reasons why Ben Higgins is the perfect Valentine, it's time to plot a plan on how I'm getting myself onto this season of the bachelor so this fantasy can be a reality.
Stay tuned.