AHS Fans Have So Many Theories About What Will Happen To Doris This Season
Is she going to take the black pill or not?
American Horror Story is finally back after a lengthy hiatus, and it already looks like Season 10 is going to be one of the anthology franchise’s standout seasons. Rather than go all-in on over-the-top, campy frights as in many past seasons, the first half of Double Feature premiered with a more quietly unsettling vibe, introducing a pill-based twist that will be central to the “Red Tide” story. After the first two episodes, all eyes are on Lily Rabe’s overlooked pregnant mother character Doris, and these AHS: Double Feature theories about Doris delve into why fans are convinced she will part of a huge twist this season.
Spoiler alert: This post contains spoilers through AHS: Double Feature Episode 2, “Pale.” As revealed in the two-episode premiere, a mysterious black pill called The Muse is at the heart of the “Red Tide” half of this season. The pill will greatly enhance the abilities and output of someone with artistic talent, but if someone without talent consumes the pill, they will transform into one of the blood-sucking pale creatures that haunt the town. Doris’ husband Harry (Finn Wittrock) is quick to down the pill, and it succeeds in removing his writer’s block and helping him submit a screenplay that’s promptly picked up by Netflix. However, Doris and Harry’s daughter Alma (Ryan Kiera Armstrong) may not be so lucky. After she snuck one of her dad’s pills to help improve her violin-playing, Alma may or may not have become one of the pale creatures. (This episode’s ending was lift kind of vague.)
At the end of the premiere, Doris is pretty much the only main character left who hasn’t been introduced to The Muse, but fans think that will change soon. Here are the big theories:
1. Doris will become a pale creature.
Probably the most likely theory is that Doris will eventually take the pill and transform into one of the pale creatures, just like her daughter may have. One eagle-eyed fan even spotted what looks like Doris as a pale creature in the season’s trailer.
The first two episodes have very explicitly suggested Doris doesn’t have artistic talent. She won an interior design Instagram contest to move into the Provincetown house and redecorate it, but hasn’t seemed to really do much of anything. Not to mention the laugh-line when Doris declared the contest had 100 applicants, paired with her embarrassingly bleak Instagram presence. Alma even pointedly told Doris she didn’t have the talent of herself or Harry shortly after taking The Muse. It all seems to point to Doris not surviving the pill if she takes it.
2. The pill will affect her baby.
It seems like a foregone conclusion in the fandom that Doris will be taking The Muse at some point, and one of the big questions is what effect the pill will have on her unborn baby. One theory is that the baby will absorb all the effects of the pill, becoming a sort of unborn pale creature who feasts on Doris’ blood from within her. A demonic baby certainly wouldn’t be new territory for AHS: the Frankensteined Infantata haunted the Murder House back in Season 1, and the Countess’ vampiric offspring Bartholomew truly had a face only a mother could love in AHS: Hotel.
3. She will thrive on the pill.
These first few episodes have dragged Doris so hard over her lack of talent that the real twist of the season could be that Doris was secretly the most talented artist of all. To be fair, fans have yet to actually see any of Doris’ design work for themselves — at this point, we’re just going off every other character implying (or flat-out saying) she’s untalented. And hey, some of the greatest artists live their whole lives never being appreciated for their masterpieces. It may be a bit too optimistic for a show like AHS, but Doris joining the ranks of Austin Sommers and Belle Noir along with her husband would be a totally fun and unexpected twist.
4. Lyme disease will save her life.
For some reason, Doris has an obsession with Lyme disease. She mentions the blood-related disease multiple times throughout the two-episode premiere, revealing her paranoia around the sickness now that the family has moved to an area where its very prominent. It feels like pretty obvious foreshadowing: She’s going to get Lyme disease later this season. But in a twist, some fans think the Lyme disease will actually wind up saving her life. As online theorists have pointed out, Lyme disease affects the blood, which would have a direct effect on how appealing Doris may be to the blood-sucking pale creatures and the blood-sucking artists. Perhaps Doris will discover her blood has the power to destroy all the Provincetown bloodsuckers once she contracts Lyme disease.
There are a lot of ways Doris’ story could go, but the one thing every AHS fan agrees on is that something totally twisted is going to happen with her this season. Find out what that could be when new episode of American Horror Story: Double Feature air Wednesday nights on FX, and then stream on Hulu the next day.