
‘Pretty Little Liars’ Goodbye Special Had An “In Memoriam” Segment That Was Morbid But Hilarious

by Dylan Kickham
Eric McCandless/Freeform

There wasn't much to laugh about during that super-sized Pretty Little Liars finale (except for Troian Bellisario's attempt at a British accent, sorry girl), but the goodbye special that followed it more than made up for that.

After saying goodbye to the hit Freeform series, the following farewell special also took some time to memorialize all the characters who died during the seven seasons of PLL. And honestly, the little epitaphs they gave each deceased character was the best, most hilarious part of the whole night.

Many fans, underwhelmed by the series finale, were even calling the short "In Memoriam" segment better than the whole two-hour final episode.

Pretty Little Liars was always at its best when it played into its own campy silliness and didn't take itself so seriously, something that some fans noticed to be lacking from the series in its latest seasons. That's probably why these cheesy, tongue-in-cheek "In Memoriam" slides were such a welcome return to form for fans.

In case you missed all the brilliantly silly "In Memoriam" epitaphs, you can see them all below.


It's hard to even pick a favorite out of the bunch, but there are some definite laugh-out-loud standouts.

For instance, fans of the show have to crack up seeing the weirdly shower-obsessed Sara Harvey be memorialized as having "went down circling the drain." And how can you not chuckle at the perfect wordplay about Detective Darren: "Hanna's mom hit it and ran."

Of course, fans on Reddit had their own favorites too, including Bethany's sartorial mishap and Noel's particularly morbid but hilarious caption.


Honestly, that Pretty Little Liars finale may not have been the perfect ending to the series all the fans were hoping for, but at least we can all agree these "In Memoriam" slides are the perfect campy fun goodbye to this insane show.