The Internet Is Having A Field Day With Jokes Over Steve Bannon Resigning
There was a shake up at the White House this morning, and the revolving door attached to the Trump administration keeps turning as the president's chief strategist stepped down. Twitter is having a field day with the news that Steve Bannon no longer works at the White House, and jokes about Steve Bannon resigning show that the party is, as far as the internet can see, just getting started. As the New York Times reports, Mr. Bannon announced on Friday morning that he would be leaving his position as chief strategist.
According to TMZ, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary, released the following statement following news of Bannon's resignation: "White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve's last day. We are grateful for his service and wish him the best."
As soon as the word hit the internet, it was apparent that most people have been waiting a long time for the former head of Breitbart to be shown the door. The flood gates immediately opened and the headlines that followed illustrate that there is no love lost between the American people and the former embattled mainstay of the Trump administration. As it turns out, there may have been cause for celebration as early as two weeks ago, because the Times also reports that Bannon had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7.
No matter the date, it is clear that this moment has been a long time coming and that the people of the United States were ready to use every last one of their 140 characters to show it.
Bet it felt good to finally hit the "tweet" button on that one.
Yeah, I'll definitely second that.
Looks like there's no love lost between Trump and Bannon, either.
This one gets the point across pretty emphatically, but I'd be down to add about a million more "so's" to that.
Looks like the economy was holding out until the white nationalist sympathizer kicked rocks.
I heard he does speak fluent Dothraki.
OMG. Ouch.
So long, Bannon! It's clear to see the internet won't miss you.