
Why Can’t I See The Solar Eclipse? People Are Seriously Concerned They'll Miss It

by Hannah Golden

Monday's midday posts on social media had lots of us green with envy and asking, how can I view the eclipse? If you're outside the eclipse's path of totality, as people are calling it, don't worry. If you're wondering, like so many others are, why can't I see the solar eclipse, there's still plenty of ways to watch the solar event of the decade.

If you want to get technical, the New York Times reports that solar eclipses happen about once every 18 months, but this one happening today is pretty rare. The last eclipse where the U.S. had complete totality was in 1918, and the last major viewable eclipse for the lower 48 states happened in 1979.

If you're on your smartphone or laptop, here are a few ways to watch.

News Sites

CNN is also showing a livestream.  The New York Times website also has a video. You can also watch it live on the NASA website.


PBS NewsHour is livestreaming.

New York Times has it live.

NBC News is broadcasting it.

NASA's YouTube channel has the full show.

Washington Post also has it.

You can see a 360-degree view of the action on TIME's channel.

You probably get the gist. I could go on and on with the livestreams happening on YouTube; in fact, the homepage itself is loaded with them, if you're still having trouble.


On Facebook, CNN has a live video feed.

NASA is also showing it on Facebook Live.


There are multiple channels broadcasting feed of the eclipse in action -- use the #SolarEclipse and #SolarEclipse2017 to find the best ones.

You can check out NASA's Periscope feed here.

Chasing Eclipses 2017, thanks to the Weather Channel, is happening now.

Not online? No problem. You can watch the feed live on most news channels. According to Vox, the following channels will have the big event: CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox, NBC, PBS, Science and The Weather Channel.