WTF Speed Dating
With Valentine’s day just around the corner, the commercialized idea of romance is smacking you in the face through your widescreen HDTV and via every magazine article. Those who are in relationships get the glory of spending their paychecks on an overpriced dinner and an accessory that will eventually get lost in the others.
On the other hand, people who normally bask in the freedom of being single, indulge in self-love or self-loathe. With all of this insanity around the corner, I opted to try the cocaine of all relationship exploration: speed-dating. In a society where people barely have time for themselves, putting forth the extra effort to get together with a friend of a friend seems like a waste of time.
Especially with the off chance that they do nothing but talk about themselves during dinner and don’t know how to eat once you get back home. Why waste your time trying to figure out how to escape a bad date situation when you could have an opportunity to run with initial vibes and explore later on if you’re interested? Worse thing that could happen is that you get some funny Twitter material and the possibility of someone leaning in too close because they “lost their voice.” Either way, it was a risk I was willing to take.
The third floor of Strand book store was filled with champagne, large pretzels and a slew of interesting people; from blue haired vixens in leopard print coats to guys wearing two plaid shirts and slouched back beanies. Despite the range of ages, occupations and speed dating experience, everybody had one thing in common: they were down to meet someone new.
Author of The Gaggle and Founder of WTFlovelife.com, Jessica Massa, facilitated the night with the equally inspirational co-creator, Rebecca Wiegand. Gaggle essentially focuses on the concept of what love might look like in a post-dating world. The book delves into thoughts about modern romance and how all of the rules can be broken in this day and age, whatever ones you think there still may be. These two pushed to implement their ideologies about dating (however you want to define that) throughout the night.
The point was that you didn’t need to feel as if you were going to meet your soulmate, but the odds were high that by the end of the night you could leave with a new Facebook friend or at least someone you would be interested in talking to again. Mission was accomplished for many and after some uncomfortably forced conversations, some solid people were met, at least more than one would meet in the claustrophobic social circles that orbit everyday life.
Whatever sketchiness you feel about speed dating, I would say don’t knock it till you try it. Who says you can’t go through 25 men in one hour bouncing around between guys whose perfect Sunday would be skydiving with Clint Eastwood and Eddie Murphy to dudes who have moved 17 times in their lifetime?
There should be no hesitation to indulge in the simple act of going out to meet new people...in a somewhat sped up environment. Whatever preconceived notions you may have about the stigma speed dating has, fuck 'em. What better way to satisfy your potential crush pool by meeting the next five in the next ten minutes? Get down to it and dive in headfirst, ideally leaving your clothes and inhibitions behind.
Sienna Brown | Elite Daily
Check out WTFlovelife.com for articles, essays, and advice that explores modern day romance.