
Hilarious Video Shows What Happens When You Confront Someone Who Ghosted You

by Candice Jalili

What's the worst part of being ghosted? Well, obviously, there's the whole heartbreak factor that comes along with any breakup...

Then, there's the additional lack of closure that makes the pain feel about a trillion times worse.

But a new video series called "Ghosted" is giving real people the chance to confront the people who ghosted them and get the closure they need.

How? Well, filmmakers Molly Teitelbaum and Alex Budman are helping people call their ghosters, sometimes years after the fact, to straight-up ask them, "WTF went wrong?" and demand an answer.

Watch the preview for yourself here:

Teitelbaum and Budman thought of the series a little over a year ago, when Budman dared Teitelbaum to confront a guy who had ghosted her.

As you can imagine, the stories created since then have been FANTASTIC.

Sometimes, people get the answers they were looking for, and sometimes, they don't. But I think what's so cool about the show in general is, it makes people feel something.

It makes them take the hurt feelings and emotions that come along with being ghosted and really process them. And it challenges the people who ghosted someone to own up to a real reason for why they did it.

Basically, the first four episodes of the show are available now, and they freaking rock:

There's Anna who was ghosted after a pumpkin carving date with a hot, dog-hating bartender.

There's Scott who was ghosted after one date with a girl he met on JSwipe (a Jewish dating app).

There's Kyle who was ghosted by a girl with beautiful eyebrows after sending her a weird selfie.

There's Sophia who was ghosted by a guy 7 inches shorter than she is before "ghosting was even a thing."

I don't know about you, but after watching a few of these short episodes, I'm already hooked.

Every week, in my column "Boom, Ghosted," I read through dozens of submissions from people wanting to share their stories of being ghosted.

And at the heart of every story is the same thing: These people just want to know why.

"Ghosted" gives them a chance to figure that out. And lucky for us, we get to watch it happen.