This Woman Gave Her Boyfriend A Shower Blowjob With The Worst Ending Ever
ATTENTION FEMALES, MALES AND ANYONE WHO EVER GIVES BLOWJOBS: I am here to deliver a very, very important PSA for you.
Giving head is obviously never a trip to Disneyland, but it's not necessarily the absolute worst thing in the world, either. You get in there, you do what you have to do and you get out. Then, it's over. Life goes on and you go to work and you hang out with your friends and family and you forget all about the cum you just ingested.
Apparently, this is not always the case. There is one lethal blowjob mistake you can make that will leave you seriously messed up for the rest of the day.
So, here's the deal: Cum does not mix well with hot water. Who knew? Well, this girl definitely didn't.
I want to spoil it for you and tell you what happens SO badly, but no, read along. See for yourself.
So, there you have it. Give your boyfriend a hot, steamy morning shower blowjob, and look forward to spending the rest of your day looking like Goldmember.
Wait, did you forget what Goldmember looked like? Let me remind you:
Yes, that is an image of him eating his own dead skin because his skin is that flaky and disgusting.
Let's use this story as a cautionary tale, my good readers. If you want to give your boyfriend (or the guy you've been hooking up with for three months with no "label," or the guy you are exclusively seeing and basically dating, but we're not going call it that, or the random guy you met at the bar last night) a blowjob in the shower, GO FOR IT.
Do your thang, but just maybe make sure the water's not too hot.