
So You’re Starting 2013 Off Single

by Ally Batista

Some women anticipated, and looked forward to, starting the New Year off single. Others are heartbroken and don’t know what to do with themselves. News flash: it’s okay that you’re single in 2013.

Being single is not a bad thing. It can’t do any harm. Sure, it can get lonely sometimes, especially if you did not necessarily want the breakup, but that doesn’t mean it has to keep you down.

Learning to love yourself is your first and foremost responsibility. No one will ever love you, if you can’t learn to love yourself, single or not.

In 2013, try:

To Do Something You Never Have Before, And Wouldn’t Normally Do

Get a certification for something you’ve never done. Take flying lessons, go to a wine tasting, go for a hike solo, broaden your horizons and open your eyes to the world around you. A newfound appreciation for something different can open roads to new hobbies, interests, and maybe even a new relationship when you least expect it.

A New Career

If you feel as if you’re not happy with your career, or not as happy as you should be, try something new. Being single is about finding yourself, and if you were unhappy with your job in 2012, start 2013 off right by preparing to make a career switch.

To Do Whatever The Hell You Want, Whenever

No more having to please someone else. If you want to lie in bed all day with ice cream and romantic comedies, do that. You no longer have to change the channel for someone else, eat something if you don’t want to, etc. Your time belongs solely to you. What’s better than that?

To Learn How To Do Something That Your Boyfriend Would Normally Do For You

Learn how to change your tire and your oil. Learn how to fix small things around the house. Become independent. This will give you a sense of self-accomplishment, and will impress the hell out of your next male suitors.

To Save Your Money

Save as much money as you can when you’re single. Without a boyfriend, you have less presents to buy, less outings to attend, and more money to stash in the bank. Save as much as you can, and when the time comes for you to start a new relationship, you’ll have room to go on as many vacations and do as many new and exciting things as you please.

Ally | Elite.

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