Why You Can’t Go Out Seeking Love
Too many people are preoccupied with finding the ideal partner. However, the most successful relationships are ones that have happened out of chance. You can’t go out looking for love, it has to come and find you.
It is much more beneficial to concern yourself with improving your character. Finding a counterpart is not going to bring you the kind of happiness your self-worth will. You don’t need another person to make you feel good about yourself, you can do that all on your own; something many people fail to realize.
Concentrate on connecting and relating to people, sure this seems like you may be looking for love, but it’s not. Just go out and enjoy yourself. Go out and have fun with your friends. If you put positive energy out in the universe, you will attract people without even knowing it. When the time is right, love will come to you. Engage in different types of activities, go out to different places and meet new people.
“Finding love is meeting with an accident.”
Value your independence; it is one of the best parts of life. Freedom is a blessing. Finding someone is a sheer game of chance, averages and timing. Many people settle with someone out of the fear of being alone, social pressure or financial stability. We need to look beyond all the hype. The key is to be yourself, love yourself and love the people you surround yourself with.
Listening to one’s heart is a lot harder than it sounds. The heart is quiet while the world around is loud. We need to listen to how we feel because if we do not, we risk never finding happiness. When you go looking for love, you will not find it, when you slow down, relax and just be yourself, love will find you.
“Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure.”
If someone is proactive about making love happen, there is a good chance that they are trying too hard to cater to a target’s likes and dislikes. No amount of tenacity can make a person fall in love if they aren’t inclined to do so. People desperately looking for love will make exceptions to their parameters for true love just to make “love” happen.
However, there is no possible way to be completely passive and expect love to just show up. It takes a conscious recognition and effort to cultivate love. Love is something one has to go out and search for, but not seek. You need to put yourself in situations that are hospitable to love and from there, develop it. When you are completely confident and secure with yourself, when you are comfortable being alone, love will sneak up on you. Embrace the unexpected.
“When you least expect it, love will come find you and remind you of who you are.”
Do your best to be ready for love, but don’t hunt it down and analyze it. We try too hard to control every aspect of our lives; falling in love should not be forced. Go about your life, but just keep your eyes open because you never know when you will meet the one for you. Love is very hard to find, you don’t want to go out and look for it, just live and let it come to you.
The harder you try, the more evasive love is. It will find you when you least expect it. When you look too hard, you run the risk of settling for anything. When you want love, you think you see love in people too quickly; when love sneaks up on you when you least expect it, it can be the most wonderful surprise.