Inside The Mind Of A Dominatrix With Lindsey Leigh
Whoever said that sex wasn't the right way for a woman to challenge the power of men and get ahead in the world has never met Lindsey Leigh. Lindsey is a dominatrix who takes pride in making men scream, cry and moan with her versatile methods of dominating arousal.
A thrill-seeking entrepreneur, she earns a living by letting men use her services to live out their most deviant fantasies, blending pain with pleasure all for the love of the game. Elite Daily caught up with Lindsey to find out more about this commonly misunderstood industry and how her unique job has impacted her personal life.
With all the stereotypes of women being historically submissive and playing into power of men, who has influenced or inspired you to be so dominant and bold?
Kristen Davis is an absolute goddess. Not just because she was the madam of the rich and famous like Elliot Spitzer, or the girlfriend of sports legends like Alex Rodriguez. Kristen did her time in jail and came out even stronger. She shook off the bullshit prison sentence and came out even stronger. She's crossed over into politics and is kicking ass out there, too. I love and respect people who get knocked down and jump back up. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog….and that bitch is one tough cookie!
Who has inspired and pushed you to live your life on your own terms?
I love hearing about self made people, the kind who grew up knowing that the road less traveled, the unconventional route, was in their blood. I love that Bill Gates is this icon who decided school was just an expensive excuse to party on daddy's money and figure out what the hell to do with your life. Now, those same college grads are paying me 300 bucks to kick them in the balls. I guess I found my dream at age 20 and decided to never look back.
Was there a breaking point in your personal or sex life that forever changed your outlook on things?
I have always been aggressive. It's tricky when you're trying to discover who you are sexually, what pleases you and what you're attracted to. As you age so do your sexual preferences. The biggest misconception people have about me is that I must have been born a sexual deviant. That couldn't be more wrong! When I was younger, I cared about my partner and what pleased him. I soon came to realize pleasing a teenage boy was a waste. They only cared about finding the next girl to fuck…. the easier, the better . Since I was a strong and confident girl, I made it clear I had limits. And high school boys ran like the pussies they tend to be at that age. But I didn't care. After countless stories about awkward first and last dates, girlfriend horror stories, and advice from older women, it occurred to me that men are here to please me. And it's not because I'm a world class domme. It's because I'm a world class woman. I figured out the secret to happy sexual and emotional relationships from watching so many failed ones.
Were you always on the more forceful side in terms of your personality and sexual preferences? Did you see your future as a dominatrix coming?
Yes, I am very demanding, assertive, and dominant. I believe that a woman who recognize the power she has over a man should harness it and use it. I never saw this as my future occupation, but I do love my domme lifestyle. Everyday I use entrepreneurial skills to advance my career and spread the word about who I am and why I'm unique. I think of myself as a marketer. Whether it's blogging on my website about my always on-the-go life, reading up on my craft on my favorite sites, or just engaging with my clients and fans, I push the limits everyday. Now I look back and think, this job was so obvious, why didn't I start this years ago?!
What’s the biggest misconception about the industry?
That it's full of fat old perverts, law breakers, home wreckers, shady people, prostitutes, liars and thieves. There are industries where there ARE those types of people….have you ever met a lawyer you actually liked?
In your personal life is sex to the extremes or do you prefer civilian style sex at home?
You're not going to show my boyfriend this article are you? Well, I've definitely pushed his limits sexually more than his past partners. I guess it depends on the night, sometimes we keep it romantic and dare I say, even look each other in the eyes during our romp in the sack. Other times it's a free for all battle of who can take the most without cumming first. Those are the nights we both might be limping the day after.
What is your favorite fetish?
Well, my favorite obsession is money. I love earning it the old fashioned way, by giving the customer what they want. I do enjoy my foot fetish and ball busting sessions a lot. Who wouldn't want their feet to be adored. Or after a long day of fighting my way onto a new york subway, who wouldn't want to take the anger out on a pair of soon-to-be black and blue balls?!
What's the one fantasy that you still have on your list?
I have a long list of fantasies, but I'll only give your readers a taste today. After all, people pay me 300 an hour to hear me talk about my kinky thoughts. One item on bucket list is to have sex on a boat while basking in the Caribbean sun. Champagne in hand, of course. Professionally and fetish wise I would love to have a live-in fan who would sleep in a cage and devote his life to pleasing and spoiling me and my man.
Is this a lifestyle that you would recommend to other women? What are three things they need to be prepared for?
I would recommend this job to women who are bold, confident, and despise boring 9 to 5s. Those jobs are for the ordinary. I dare to be extraordinary. But, you better prepared. Perverts. Hate mail. Competition. These things would bury a weaker woman. Not Miss Lindsey, of course.
What is the most ridiculous request you fulfilled?
What I love about my job is that some men are so foolish as to think they can take, and even get aroused by, any pain that a domme can dish out. So they ask me to come on a trip and ask for just 1 request - to dominate them. But they don't realize that I'm a tough bitch when it comes to my job. If you don't want a safe word then I won't give you one. Buyer beware though! Have I ever been on a ski trip and left a slave handcuffed to the ski lift in his silk boxers for 3 unbearable hours? Absolutely. And did he come back begging for another trip with me just a few months later? Well, what do you think?!?!
If you thought that was enticing, you have no idea what you're in store for. See more of Lindsey Leigh here