It’s unsettling to see how many people in this world are incapable of being alone. We’ve been in 2013 for mere days and I’ve already seen countless women, and men, complain that they are once again alone in the new year.
Why is this? Why are people so incapable of focusing on themselves, rather than someone else? In my earnest opinion, I think it’s because people hang on to ex’s a lot more than they should.
Everyone is so into “being friends” with their ex’s that it makes it impossible to ever move on and be happy alone. Instead of trying to maintain a fake friendship with your ex, try something a little different this year.
Mourn… For A Little
It’s perfectly okay, and completely normal, to mourn a breakup. Regardless of how bad it may have been, at one point that person was in your life every single day. It’s hard to have anything that was such a driving force in your everyday suddenly disappear.
Lick your wounds and cry, but you better suck it up and get back on your feet in a matter of minutes. It’s just a break up, it’s not the end of the world. We are young, we are Generation Y, and we have more opportunities ahead of us.
Completely Rid Yourself From Your Ex
In 2013, stop trying to be friends with your ex. I don’t care what you say; it’s absolutely impossible to be friends with an ex. There will always be feelings there, feelings that should never be revisited (hence the breakup). Delete your ex from every social media site, delete their number, stop going where they frequent.
You’re not avoiding them or hiding from them, you’re helping yourself move on. No shame in that.
Hit The Gym
Get to the gym. Not just to make yourself look better, but to make yourself feel better. Improving your strength and your stamina will give you a sense of empowerment, and that is, perhaps, the most necessary quality needed post breakup.
Update Your Look
Of course going to the gym will improve your looks, but update your look in other ways as well. Get a new haircut, buy some new clothes, lease a new car, and reinvent yourself. Stay the same, but a little change never hurt anyone.
Go Out Drinking With Friends
Stop sulking and start having fun. No one feels bad for you, so why should you feel bad for yourself? Sitting at home watching The Notebook with a tub of ice cream in front of you is fun for about sixteen seconds. Then you realize that you’re watching The Notebook, and that’s when you get upset.
Go out and have some fun. Reconnect with those friends you lost touch with, drink too much (sparingly), dance and embarrass yourself and stop hosting your very own pity party.
Meet New People… Don’t Commit
And finally, meet new people, but most definitely, do not commit. Spend a year single (trust me, it’s a lot shorter than it sounds), but don’t hesitate to date. Go out to dinner, get some numbers and have a reckless night out.
All of these things are essential for your mental health, and your happiness. So, in 2013-stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop being upset, and start living, on your own.
Ally | Elite.