Guys In Relationships Admit Why They Feel Pressured To Propose ASAP
For some guys, marriage is scarier than speaking in front of a large crowd of strangers, or even being the one who loses fantasy football and has to fork out a load of cash.
It means they're saying "I do" to a commitment that pairs them together with another human being for what could (and should) be a lifetime.
But for some guys, marriage is something they want to jump into as soon as they can, because they feel like their internal clock is ticking or like the person they're dating might leave if they don't.
Wondering what makes a guy feel like they have to “shit or get off the pot” when it comes to rushing down the aisle?
Here are eight real guys who admit why they felt the urge to pop the question ASAP:
1. I'm scared she's going to leave.
My girlfriend keeps dropping hints that if I don't pop the question ASAP, she'll be out. It's like every time I talk about moving in together, or taking the next step, she makes it clear that I'm dragging my feet and that I'm not on the same page as her. I think she hoped we'd be married a year ago since we've been dating for five years now. She's in a hurry, and because of that now I am too.
– Tobin D., 31
2. I'm not getting any younger.
I'm at an age where you can't afford to be picky if you want to start a family and catch up to everyone else. I don't think I found the perfect person, but I think I found someone who's perfect for me and the life I want to live. That's why I want to put a ring on it, because I'm ready for a family and I'm not getting any younger.
– Kyle C., 40
3. Marriage is another checked box.
I feel like I have a kick-ass career and an amazing apartment. I also have money in the bank and traveled a ton in my 20s. Simply put, I've been super successful at a lot of things. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just trying to explain that the one thing I haven't done is get married and start a family. I'm kind of feeling like I'm in a rush to get on that and find someone so that I can check off that box and move on to the next life challenge to conquer.
– Don C., 34
4. I need the financial security.
To be honest, marriage has its benefits. One of those benefits is combining your finances with someone else. I've been struggling with my job and my girlfriend keeps climbing the corporate ladder. A big benefit of us getting married is that we'll share a bank account and I'll finally feel at ease, financially. She makes way more than me, and has no problem paying for more stuff in our relationship. Marrying her would just make what's hers mine and mine hers – even though I get the better deal in all of this.
– Miguel C., 29
5. We're waiting until marriage.
It's simple: We're religious. The second we're married we can finally jump into bed together. Can you blame me for wanting to rush down the freaking aisle?
– Todd V., 25
6. I really want kids.
More than anything else in my life, one of the main things I want to do is become a dad. I've always wanted kids and I always wanted to be a young dad. I've been dating someone for a year and a half and I'm pretty sure she's 'the one.' We got engaged about nine months into the relationship and I'm hoping we'll have kids within the next year and a half.
– Corey S., 27
7. I was given an ultimatum.
I didn't have a choice. My girlfriend told me I had two months to propose or she was done. We'd dated for two years and she told me I had to make a decision. Everything from that convo on was a rush. I got a ring in a week, and planned the engagement in two days. I popped the question because I didn't want to lose her. We're getting married in three months and I don't have an opinion on any of it because it's moving so fast.
— Nick P., 28
8. It's my only way to know if she's the one.
Every relationship has different stages. You start off with a big crush, then you fall in love and then you see it lasts for longer than you thought. I guess I'm feeling ready to try out this marriage thing with my girlfriend because it's the ultimate test to see if she's 'the one.' I'm not afraid of divorce if she's not.
– Victor M., 30