A Body Language Expert Says Jake Gyllenhaal Looks Pretty Tense RN
Just give her the scarf back, Jake.
As far as Swifties are concerned, Jake Gyllenhaal is public enemy number one right now, and he seems well aware of that fact. Since Taylor Swift released the 10-minute version of “All Too Well” on Nov. 12 (followed by All Too Well: The Short Film later that day), fans haven’t stopped buzzing about the singer’s short-lived romance with the actor, which is widely rumored to be the inspiration for the ballad. With lyrics like, “And I was never good at telling jokes, but the punchline goes/‘I’ll get older but your lovers stay my age,’” it’s no wonder that Gyllenhaal might not be feeling all too well.
On Nov. 13, Gyllenhaal attended the Hamilton Behind the Camera Awards to present the sound editing award to Mandell Winter and David Esparza for their work in Gyllenhaal’s latest Netflix movie, The Guilty (side note: Are we absolutely sure Taylor didn’t come up with that title?). According to an Us Weekly insider who attended the award show, Gyllenhaal “was in a good mood” and “proud to present the award.” But according to Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, Gyllenhaal’s body language indicated some serious tension — even if he was trying to appear unaffected.
Gyllenhaal Looked Like He Was Hiding His Emotions
During the awards show, Gyllenhaal’s expression appeared to be one of “startled disapproval.” Wood explains, “The lips are slightly held in, which means he’s trying to keep that negative feeling in.” Still, his body language speaks for him, showing just how “off-center” he might feel inside.
Wood explains to Elite Daily, “Look at his shoulders. See how he is tilted to the one side? This lack of symmetry typically indicates that you’re off — that you’re feeling one way and you have to present yourself as another.”
Sounds like he might be putting on a brave face amid the aftermath of the new “All Too Well” — and the fact that everyone now knows he reportedly owns “organic shoes” and a “million dollar couch” (at least, if you believe he’s the inspiration behind the vault track “I Bet You Think About Me”).
He Might Have Been Anxious
In several photos from the event, Gyllenhaal appears to carry a lot of tension in his hands. At one point, he’s captured clutching an award. Per Wood, this is a “comfort cue,” something a person does to soothe themselves.
And that’s not the only sign that Gyllenhaal might be seeking reassurance. He also has a hand in his pocket, which is not typical when giving a speech — unless you’re very antsy. Wood, who also coaches public speakers, explains, “I actually tell my very nervous speakers, ‘Put your hand in your pocket briefly just to give yourself a little bit of comfort and security.’”
That said, it probably wouldn’t be the advice you’d expect to give an award-winning actor, and the gesture hints at some potential raw nerves. “He’s got his hand in his pocket, but he’s not doing it in a relaxed, powerful way. It’s stuffed down there. That would indicate a slight amount of anxiety,” Wood adds.
He’s Trying To Make Himself Appear Smaller
It may be unusual for an A-list actor to look quite so out of place while giving a speech, but it’s not exactly groundbreaking. However, even when Gyllenhaal is off-stage and speaking to his sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal (someone you’d think he would feel comfortable around), he’s still holding a lot of tension in his body.
“He’s keeping his arms close to his body. He’s making himself smaller,” Wood says. Of course, that could be related to a more general feeling of discomfort — but it’s notable that the other people in the photograph do not seem to share his nervousness. “It has more to do with him than it has to do with them,” Wood adds.
There you have it: Gyllenhaal might be just as affected by the 10-minute version of “All Too Well” as everyone else — and maybe even more so. Considering I now personally identify as a “crumpled up piece of paper,” that’s saying something.