5 Things Every Woman Needs From Her Boyfriend In A Relationship
OK, if I got real about this list, it would probably consist of 100 things instead of only five. However, I'm going to talk about the five that are really important — if not requirements — for have a lasting, harmonious and meaningful relationship in this day and age.
You may target to deliver the following five items, and simply consider the others as demands. These are the things expected from mature men: those who are serious about the relationship.
Anyway, you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't interested in making your relationship work, right?
1. Time
This is clichéd but true. When someone gives you time, he or she is giving you a portion of his or her life that he or she can never get back.
Timing is everything. It means you are a priority.
Women need time from their boyfriends in order to bond. They need it for reassurance, and to discuss important matters.
I don't care if my boyfriend gets busy with office activities or with his squad. I don't even care if he doesn't text me for six hours because he's playing video games. I just need to know he always has time for me.
2. Loyalty
Loyalty is not just about having eyes for only your girlfriend. It is also about support and allegiance.
Loyalty is being there on your girlfriend's team. It means that if your woman is in trouble, you should be there to push her to fight for what is right, or to get her to admit when she's wrong.
Because you are loyal to her, you want her to do the right thing. It is having a genuine concern for her well-being, and performing your duties as her boyfriend.
3. Passion
This goes beyond kissing you intensely or pleasing you in bed. Being passionate means being spirited.
Every woman needs her partner to have spirit, life and a strong belief in something because it gives him an identity. It signifies he is doing something with dedication and his whole heart.
Even in the simplest situation, passion will always be attractive. You can expect that anything done with passion will be beautiful.
4. Understanding
You need to be very, very understanding because women are complicated. We love you, but at times, we can be unbelievably unreasonable, immature and selfish.
At this time, you need to be the bigger person and just remember that this is how women love. We become unfiltered human beings, and we don't think before we speak. We act out because we expect you to understand.
You know us well. You know that after being argumentative for a while, we'll be kissing and telling you those three words within 30 minutes.
5. Plans
I don't know about other girlfriends, but I've chosen my man because he has plans for our relationship. This is important to me, as I am the type of person who likes setting goals. I believe there always has to be something to look forward to.
If you enter a relationship, you must keep in mind that you have an obligation to the other person. You're not just there to benefit from the other person. You also have to make sure you contribute something to enrich your girlfriend or boyfriend's life.
As a boyfriend, you have the obligation to not just add to her happiness, but to inspire her to be the best version of herself.
I truly believe that you should do what you want others to do unto you. We may not always say it, but we appreciate every single effort you make. Strive to deliver these five things, and you're sure to receive the same from your woman.
Who knows? You may even receive more.