The Truth Behind Cheating
We've all been cheated on, and we all know someone being cheated on right now. But we don't say anything about it. We choose not to tell them. Why? Is it because we fear of getting in the middle? Or is it because we fear that if we tell that person, they won't believe it anyway, leaving us looking like a jealous a-hole?
Cheating is different for men than it is for women. Women cheat because they are lacking something in their relationship, they don't feel loved or appreciated so they seek that from another man. It's all based on emotion and a happy girl will hardly ever stray. But this is not the case with men, happy men stray all the time.
Men cheat because they can. They know that we won't do anything about it. They aren't missing anything in their relationship, in fact most of the time they really do love their girlfriends. But it's just about sex. They don't care about the girls they have relations with, they just cheat because they can.
Their world doesn't stop, they don't feel bad about it, and they certainly don't feel any differently about you. Their life just goes on as if it never happened. They have some sort of on/off cheating switch when it comes to this. They are able to be so deceptive yet they can go back to being that loving boyfriend after the dirty deed has been done.
But please, don't get it twisted. Women are not so innocent in this either. It takes two to tango hunny! If these "side chicks" had more respect for themselves, men wouldn't be able to cheat, it wouldn't even be a possibility for them. But there's always going to be those women out there that are willing to be the side-screw and have no hard feelings about it.
The Successful Cheater: You might be in a “happy” relationship right now, meanwhile your partner has OTHER partners. Well congrats, you’re being successfully cheated on. But what are some of the signs?
Hidden Facebook Relationship Status.
Yes you’re probably in most of their photos so you think this is okay, but it is easy to tell someone, “Oh that’s just my ex, I haven’t gotten to delete those old photos yet.”
A whole laundry list of sexual encounters prior to you.
Please don’t try to tell me that your once overly-promiscuous partner has turned over a new leaf and stays faithful to only you. A person that will sleep with practically anything with a pulse doesn’t tend to have many morals. So don’t think that for one millisecond that they can change. Because chances are, they can’t. And they will continue to do so behind your back.
Random names of the same sex in their contacts.
For instance, your cheating boyfriend isn’t going to put his new fling “Rachel” in his contacts. He’s going to put her under the name “Bob from work” and call it a day. Meanwhile he doesn’t even know a Bob and he doesn’t even have a job. I mean come on.
Wherever they go, their phone goes with them.
If they are seeing someone behind your back, they are not going to leave their phone alone with you. So if the next time your girlfriends phone rings and she busts through the plate glass in the shower to get to it before you do, there you go.
If your partner spends way more time with their friends than they do with you, chances are they are probably up to no good.
If they love you and are faithful to you, then they want to be with you as much as possible, period.
Everyone you know always has something negative to say about them.
Chances are, they know something that you don’t. And instead of telling you the truth, they beat around the bush with it because they know you wouldn’t believe it if it came down to it.
The root of the issue at hand is respect. A person that cheats doesn't respect their partner, that's the bottom line. And the women and men willing to be the "side piece" have no self-respect. Instead of demanding to be the ONLY one, they settle with being the OTHER one.
Then we have the people who literally do not have the slightest clue what is going on behind their back because they choose to ignore the signs and live by the phrase, “Ignorance is Bliss.” But is ignorance bliss?? Maybe if we all just had some old fashioned respect for ourselves and each other, this wouldn't be such a prominent issue.
Stay faithful, stay elite.
Cheryl Gensinger | Elite.