Why Good Girls Have Become Unicorns
We live in a very strange world, a world where love is cursed by polygamy, sex has lost its value, and men and women have changed drastically. From once having morals and respect for ourselves, both genders are running around now with not a bit of dignity.
Sure, you can call it generation YOLO and seizing the moment and just living life and having fun like we like to call it, but it just leaves me hoping I never end up with kids. Don't get me wrong -- I'm all about having fun: the quick sex, the quick thrill and the terrible Facebook photos that you get tagged in the next day, but there has to be some sort of a line.
For men, it’s great that women have decided to become just like us. They’ve adopted the male approach to sex and the way we treat the other gender. It is almost like they have become a mirror image of men in our love for a multitude of partners. This is great, to a certain extent, because it cuts out a lot of the hard work that men used to have to go through to woo a woman to get what they ultimately want.
Firstly, women have become independent, which is a great feat and should constantly be encouraged. Yet, there is something bothersome, to me, in the idea that the woman I will one day marry is as terrible as I am when it comes to relating to the other sex. I know it's a double standard and I know it might not be right, but there's a part of me that wants to settle down with someone who hasn't been ruined by the world and modern society's casual views on sex -- even if I have.
Sure, I know men are to blame for this, but that's because we're idiots. We've consistently objectified women and treated them according to their hotness for a good portion of their lives. They see us drool over that hot girl who's standing half naked in her default picture or they see us go wild when we easily get the number of a hot girl we just met on the street. And when we're young and stupid that seems "right" because it’s exactly what we (think we) want: sex without much effort. But for women from the outside looking in, they think that this is what we want ultimately, and it skews their perception.
Good girls gone bad, the city is filled with them to paraphrase the great Jay Z. The problem is that it’s not just the city, but society as a whole. Men are to blame for this because we encourage such behavior and give the girls with the least amount of clothes all the attention, when we should value women beyond the way they look.
Sure, I might seem like the bad guy who is willing to sleep with women without caring for them, but I am also a gentleman who knows how to treat a lady with respect and compassion, just like any other true lady should be treated.
The truth of the matter is that women who ascribe to the same philosophies as men do when it comes to sex are going to be treated the way they treat us: as a means to an end. And that's fine so long as that's something they truly wish. But a few years down the line, we are going to grow out of the chase -- and when the dust settles, I want the good girl. I'm not saying it's not hypocritical, but humans are a competitive species and my base instinct is to strive for a woman who didn't succumb to her own.
For the most part, earlier generations never felt the ramifications of such a transformative sexual revolution and thus never had to deal with the moral complications that resulted. So the double standard still exists and men expect women to behave certain ways, and I can't tell you that it's fair, but these traditional values have been engrained in us from birth.
The truth of the matter nowadays is that good girls, as we like to call them, don't really exist. They are unicorns, fictional beings that we will chase after for all of eternity. Men will always want to settle down with a good girl, whether or not you consider those sexual double standards as a measurement of whether you're good or not. Most men don't want to compete with the other men in your life, whether or not that problem is our own insecurity.
At the end of the day, I want a woman who is more concerned with her intellect and her ability to hold a conversation than the amount of men she can count notched on her bedpost -- and she can expect the same from me.
Unicorns are tough to find, and if you do stumble upon one, do everything in your power to hold on to her, as the chase is only fun for so long.
Check out this articulate response piece, written by a "unicorn."
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