3 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Time Apart From Your SO
A grateful heart might just be the secret ingredient to most things in life.
But we are human, and therefore fall into a routine of taking things and people for granted.
There is so much truth behind "You never know what you have until its gone," yet we wait until we are left in solitude to realize how lucky we are to have that special person.
On the other hand, distance can also lead to realizations that include relief and freedom; either way, you gain valuable insight.
There are many moving parts to life, including our mind.
Silencing that part of ourselves in order to have a greater sense of appreciation for what actually matters is one of the many reasons why time apart in a relationship can be a beautiful thing for everyone involved.
Here are three reasons it's OK to have some space from your SO:
1. You stop taking his or her gestures for granted.
Whether it's a mundane routine or an out-of-control fight, we've all seen ourselves get wrapped up in the emotions that accompany both events.
When you're used to seeing someone daily and are the recipient of all his or her affection and acts of service they deliver, eventually it can feel like what they do is not something "special." Then suddenly, we forget to say "thank you" or give that extra kiss on our way out the door.
It's sad because we should always try to show our gratitude, but instead we become so preoccupied with the next task, everything starts to blend together.
But have you noticed what happens when your partner leaves to go on a trip with friends? Out of nowhere, you start to remember all of the wonderful traits he or she has and can't seem to think of enough creative ways to show your appreciation upon his or her return.
Time apart allows us to miss our SO and remind us how lucky we are
2. You learn things about yourself.
It's easy to fall into the victim role when you're having a heated argument; the hard part is stepping outside yourself to try and better understand why there is a miscommunication in the first place.
In fact, most of the time, the only way two people can stop fighting is by walking away to regroup and regather. But unfortunately, that magic trait isn't something embedded in our DNA.
That amount of self-awareness and humility takes consistent practice and introspection; two things that can only be discovered when we're inquisitive with ourselves over a long period of time.
A friend once told me "anger is a secondary response," meaning there's another emotion underneath yearning to come forward.
When we take time away from a relationship, the anger subsides and we're left with revelations of what's actually taking place and causing us to react in a destructive manner.
3. You gain emotional strength.
Being alone is often a lot easier said than done.
In a world where information is constantly only one tap away, being still with nothing but your thoughts — and maybe the sound of your dog snoring — can leave many people feeling anxious.
Since it's difficult to do, embracing the discomfort that comes alongside it is empowering.
The strength gained in solitude then becomes fuel for confidence, which is something that can always be used both in our personal and professional life.
Many times, we hear of women "losing themselves" in a relationship. It's easy to forget what your priorities and goals are if the person next to you begins to take a front seat in your life.
Time apart can help you find yourself again and serve as a reminder that you were your own person before you met your partner.
Individuality and independence are sexy, so why not always carry that with us instead of waiting for time apart to remind us how amazing we already are?